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World History And iClass Curriculum

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Presentation on theme: "World History And iClass Curriculum"— Presentation transcript:

1 World History And iClass Curriculum

2 Essential Questions How and why does the rule of law develop in civilizations? How do religion and government exercise authority over people? How did the earliest civilizations begin, develop, and decline? How did geography influence civilization? How do ancient world civilizations influence our world today?

3 Civilizations/Time Periods To Be Studied
Mayans Aztecs Incas Mesopotamia India Egypt China Ancient Americas Greece Rome Middles Ages Renaissance

4 Ms. Gilmore Greece Rome Medieval Europe Renaissance
The Plan Ms. Gilmore Greece Rome Medieval Europe Renaissance Mrs. Ryan Mesopotamia Assyria Persia India China Islam Mrs. Brewer Archeology Map Skills Egypt Nubia Aksum West Africa Central and South Africa

5 The Rotation First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter
Ancient Americas Economics Personal Finance Brewer Ryan Group 1 Gilmore Group 2 Ryan Gilmore Brewer Group 3 Brewer Ryan Gilmore

6 iClass

7 iClass When: Period 4, right after lunch each day.
Who: Students will either receive academic content or intervention in language arts and/or math. Intervention students will be identified through assessments in the first four weeks of the year. What: iClass topics will include teambuilding and Akimel A-al policies, sustainability, a book study, personal finances, careers and college exploration and more! Where: Students will remain with one iClass teacher for the entire year, and will move in and out of intervention groups as indicated by assessment data.

8 iClass How: iClass is graded similar to each academic class, with 70% of grade from assessments and 30% from classwork. Daily Silent Reading for the first minutes of each iClass period. Students receive classwork points for being prepared with a book and for appropriate participation during Silent Reading. Academic content for other topics studied will be graded with assessments as well as classwork.

9 iClass Requirements To ensure student success, please:
Have a notebook and folder for iClass topics. Have a silent reading book ready to read each day. Participate, follow directions, and study as for any other academic class.

10 Tardy Policy There is a three minute passing period between classes, which is a time to use the restroom, get drinks, etc. Students need to be in the classroom by the time the second bell rings. Three tardies result in a lunch detention and parent contact. By five tardies, a conduct referral to an administrator is completed. Arriving on time within our pod is fairly easy because classrooms are close by. However, being on time from exploratories and lunch will require students to move quickly! Students need to return to our pod from elsewhere in the school three times each day, after period 2, lunch and period 6.

11 We look forward to a rewarding, educational and fun year!
Ms. Gilmore, Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. Brewer

12 Supply List for World History
1 composition notebook 1 three-pronged yellow pocket folder

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