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An Evidence Based Project : Title of Your Project Goes Here

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1 An Evidence Based Project : Title of Your Project Goes Here
Project Team members and credentials Results Implementation Rationale Study Selection Number of studies screened, assessed for eligibility and included in the review Study Characteristics Include sample characteristics, design, intervention, findings, conclusions, level of evidence, quality rating (This can be put in table format) Describe the rationale/purpose of the EBP project Describe how you implemented the change Stakeholders Background Outcomes Internal Data Include internal data, such as quality improvement data, to provide background in support of the project External Data Include external data to frame the problem in a large context of the patient population in question. Study # Sample Characteristics Design Intervention Findings Conclusions Level of Evidence Quality Rating It is best to display your results in tables and graphs as in the examples below PICO Question In patients with ________________ what is the effect of ___________________ as compared to ________________ on _________________. Methods Discussion Conclusions Information Sources  Data based searched Key Words List those here EBP Model Used, Rating Scale Used Summary of Evidence Summarize the main findings including the strength of evidence Provide a general interpretation of the results in the context of other evidence, and recommendations for further research, practice or policy changes. Contact Information Put the 1st author’s name, credentials, contact information here

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