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Chapter 7.1-7.3: China.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7.1-7.3: China."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter : China

2 EQ: Describe Medieval China including details about their religion, government, and achievements

3 Fall of Han Dynasty After fall of Han Dynasty people turned to Buddhism – felt it taught them how to escape suffering Many old traditions were restored by people in China after fall in effort to help reunify country

4 Religious Changes Confucianism = a philosophy
As people converted to religion of Buddhism it began to influence Confucian thought Confucianism now stressed: Morality is highest goal person can reach Morality can be achieved through education Education can occur through books, observation, or interaction

5 The Tang Dynasty Eventually Tang Dynasty begins, taking control of China Tang helped to build unity by building roads and canals helping communication and trade Created bureaucracy government system to help manage huge empire

6 Civil Service Exam Started offering Civil Service Exam to work in government Influence of Confucianism can be seen as state examination tested on several Confucian principles Song help citizens from all classes pass test more easily by changing Civil Service Exam to include more practical subjects

7 Advances and Achievements
Helped to popularize tea, used it as trade good Invented magnetic compass which helped make sea voyages safer, changing global exploration forever Figured out how to make paper in large quantities and invented wood-block printing which increased literacy since amount of books and printed material increased Invented gun powder, used for fireworks, and eventually used in weapons, changing forever how wars were fought

8 Mongol Invasion Invaded in 1200’s.
Built an empire that stretched from Europe to China. Clan based group Fierce warriors under leadership of Genghis Khan. 1221 conquered all of Central Asia

9 Mongol Government Kept most of Chinese government ideas and organization. Ended Civil Service Exam Confucian standards no longer determined government positions. Mongols were put at the top of society and Chinese at the bottom

10 Mongol Trade Open trade with world
Made silk roads travel safer through regulation. Actually traded with Marco Polo Allowed for Chinese items to go around the world-tea, gunpowder, and their many inventions. (wood-block printing)

11 Summary! Create a topic sentence by answering your Essential Question.
Write two sentences for each question.

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