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Cyber Safety By Desiree Alexander.

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Presentation on theme: "Cyber Safety By Desiree Alexander."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyber Safety By Desiree Alexander

2 Does everyone know YOU?

3 Quick, Innocent Online Chat


5 Quick, Innocent Online Chat
Then...ICU66 went to the member menu and began to search for IJP928’s profile and printed it out. Here is what HE found: Her name: Iris Montgomery Birthday: September 28, 1993 Age: 14 State: North Carolina Hobbies: softball, chorus, skating and going to the mall. ________________________________ Team: Canton Cats…plays 2nd base…paws on uniform Games on Weekends Parents not home after school Lives in a neighborhood Walks home after school…probably alone

6 PURPOSE: Right or Wrong? Talking to you…
What’s your name? What ya doing this weekend? a/s/l I hate being home alone! You think y’all gon win the school game? My mom is so stupid…she keeps fussing bout my grades! I wish I went to a school like yours! I have never dated a good guy! Where were you…I’ve been waiting for you to come online all day!

7 TOO MUCH INFO? Right or Wrong? You talking to them…
I’m just chilling in my room! OMG! I am so bored. There is never anything to do in Smallville! I wish my lil bro would leave me alone! I hate that I have to babysit him everyday! My neighborhood is so ghetto…all these potholes! I feel like I can tell you anything! Let’s meet at the game! 7pm…at the bleachers.


9 WHAT PIC TO POST?????? Have clothes on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Watch your background (pics of your home) Watch for logos that show what school you go to, what clubs you are in, what city you live in, etc. Post vacation pics AFTER you get back Don’t post anything you will be ashamed of later…even if you delete it, it STAYS out there




13 How do predators operate? Old school…
Microsoft reports that online predators contact kids in almost any online venue, including social networking, blogs, instant messaging, and chat rooms. Once contacted, they use the following to establish a relationship and manipulate kids: Seduce with attention, affectionate language, kindness and gifts. Use music and hobbies of interest to kids. Listen and sympathize. Gradually introduce sexual content into online interactions, including sexually explicit photos and content OR start bringing up meeting in person!

14 How do predators operate? New school…
Gather information See if any interested buyers by using pic/info Snatch Sell into sex trafficking

15 It happens EVERYDAY…

HOW TO TRY TO STAY SAFE… CHATROOM=ANYWHERE YOU ARE CHATTING/TALKING ONLINE Don’t use your FULL name, FULL date of birth, location, or anything sexually suggestive in your screen name/profile. Don't go in to private chat rooms or start chatting with anyone privately. When choosing an online forum/chatroom, be cautious of the chatroom name. Stick to chat rooms created by the online service, rather than 'member created' rooms…this includes “educational websites.” Don't say anything online that you wouldn't say in public, in front of your parents or friends. If you start to chat regularly with someone, let an adult or parent know. Remember, you are in control. If a conversation starts to get strange or make you feel uncomfortable, then leave. Leave the chatroom, and log off. If it is someone saying sexual things to you, tell an adult.

17 HOW TO TRY TO STAY SAFE… Never meet anyone face-to-face that you met online unless you tell a parent or adult first, and they go with you to a public place. SKYPE/FACETIME with them first with an parent or adult. Don't think of people you've met on the Internet as 'real life' friends. They're just not! Don't click on links or go to sites that you're not familiar with. Never post an inappropriate picture of yourself online and never pictures of yourself to people you don't know. Never give out your password and make sure it's something only you know. Don't respond to ‘trolls'- people trying to start an argument, or insults, bad language, etc. Know how to update your security settings on your social media and online accounts and know how to turn off LOCATION SERVICES on your accounts and pictures!


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