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Native Americans Kamil, Jennie, Daiqaun.

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1 Native Americans Kamil, Jennie, Daiqaun

2 Early Native Americans History
Native American are true first Americans. European arrive in Native American land around the early 1400s North west Ordinance of 1787, passed by the Continental Congress, specified that the Native Americans land would not be taken without a consent and good faith would be shown to the Indians. That was a lie.

3 American Betrayal! During 18 and 19 century the United Governments put the Indians in reservations and took their land. The government denied the Indians basic political right and the reservation were administrated by the Federal Government. Indian Reservation were in poor condition.

4 Assimilation The Dawes Act of 1887, gave land to the Indians and sold the rest to whites reducing Indians from 140 million to 47 million acres. Native American were in encourages to assimilate to bordering school of the reservation. Their native culture and language were banned from these schools. Native Americans became citizen in 1924 and was given the right to vote.

5 First Big Win In 1960 Indians began to mobilize and file hundreds of cases to the Federal Courts about tribal fishing rights, tribal land claims, and taxation. Native American rights fund established in 1970 In 1972 NARF wins a 40 million dollar retribution suit for the Penobscot and Passamaquoddy tribes.

6 Getting rights back The Winters v. United States Supreme Court case decided that the Indians from the Fort Belknap have reserved and protected water rights. The Indian New Deal stated that the Indians can promote the revitalization of Indians cultural, lingual, governmental, and spiritual traditions. The Indian Reorganization Act was the centerpiece of the Indian New Deal. This was an act that would “recover” their heritage, and prohibiting the government encouraging tribes to adopt constitutions or having any type of government involvement. This mean that they have the right to make their own government and constitution. The Trujillo v. Garley Supreme Court decision was that the states was required to give the Native American the rights to vote.

7 Native American Timeline

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