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Presentation on theme: "PHYSICAL/BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY"— Presentation transcript:

~ UNIT 4 ~

2 What is Physical/Biological Anthropology?
Study of the _______________aspects of humans and _____________ humans. Non-cultural – all ____________ characteristics that are genetically ________ Near-human - includes __________, apes, other ___________, & our ____________ancestors

3 The Three Categories? 1. Human Biology – human__________, genetic inheritance patterns, non-cultural _______________ to environment, and other biological characteristics of our species, _________

4 2. Primatology - ______________ primate studies
2. Primatology - ______________ primate studies.  Usually done in a _____________ setting among ________ apes, monkeys, and related animals.  Interested in learning about the ____________ and behavior _______ of primates--our ____________ living relatives. 

5 3. Paleoanthropology - Recover the _______ record of _________ humans and their _________ ancestors in order to understand the path of our _______________.  Often work with geologists, ________________, and scientists with other specialties who help them reconstruct _______________ environments. searching for fossils and artifacts of our distant human  ancestors in a  French cave


7 Pre-Darwin Theories Creationism - special and _____________ creation by _________ of every species and that ________________do not ______________through ___________from generation to generation. The "Great Chain of Being" - _______ created an ____________ and _____________ series of life forms, each one grading into the next, from simplest to most ___________, and that all ___________, including humans, were created in their _________ form and that they have remained ______________ since then. 

8 3. Catastrophism – there was a ___________ & sudden _________ catastrophes (great floods and rapid formation of mountains). ___________ & animals living in those parts of the world were often ______________. Then _____________ forms moved in from other areas. Result - ___________ show a ___________changes in ____________. 4. Uniformitarianism - ___________ forces changing the ___________of the earth's _________ have been operating in the past much the same way. “The _____________ is the key to understanding the __________. ” – Had a great affect on _______ ________________in the 1830’s.

9 The _________________________ by Means of Natural Selection,
Charles Darwin He didn’t invent the idea of ________________, but carried out the ______________ to prove that it has occurred In the ___________________ he made the observations that eventually led him to ________ what causes _________ and animals to ___________ The _________________________ by Means of Natural Selection, or The ________________________________________ in the Struggle for Life 1st edition published in ____________

10 Galápagos Islands __________ voyage on H.M.S. __________
______________ are slightly ___________ from one _____________ to another have _______________ found in ______________ part of the world. Similar ones exist on the ______________ coast of _______________________________

11 Natural Selection Nature selected the best ______________ to survive and to ___________________ He believed the ________________ already existed and that _____________ just selected for the most suitable __________ shape and against __________ useful ones Darwin described this process as the “______________________________"

12 Evolution Evidence has come from four sources:
1. The ___________ record of change in earlier species 2. The _________________ and _______________ similarities of related life forms 3. The _______________ distribution of related species 4.  The recorded ____________________ in living organisms over many generations


14 Fossils _____________ of animals and plants found in _________ rock deposits Provides evidence that the ______________animals and plants of today were ____________ by earlier _____________ ones.

15 Fossil Hominids: Lucy 1974 Discovered in _________
_________ million years old Adult _________ about __________years old Her arms are __________ than humans today, but __________ than a _______________ She is between the two species on the _________________

16 'Ardi,' Oldest Human Ancestor?
_______ million years old Found in _________ ______________ It's not a _________ It's not a ____________ Could ___________& ____________________ last ________________of chimpanzees and humans.


18 _________________________fossil - earliest bird in fossil record
_________________________fossil - earliest bird in fossil record. Thought to be ___________ million years old. Found 1891 in _______________________. More than 10 have been found. Has many features of a dinosaurs & birds such as scales on head, feathers, wings, a tail, etc.

19 Chemical and Anatomical Similarities
All plants and animals receive specific characteristics from their ______________ by inheriting particular combinations of ___________________.  ______________ is the same for all _____________ Species share the same types of ___________ because they ______________ them from a common _________________ that had them.  All living things either share a ________________ or they came into existence as a result of ____________ ______________________

20 Geographic Distribution
isolated ______________ and _________ groups often ____________ their own distinct plant and animal ____________________ ______________ in these areas have been evolving in _____________ from the rest of the world for _________________ of years.

21 Genetic Changes _____________________ - new ________________ of plants and animals (ex. ________________) individuals lacking the _______________ characteristics are ______________ to _____________.  Therefore, the following generations have the _____________ traits.

22 Classification of Living Things
Today we use the system invented by the ______ naturalist ______________________ published in his ___________________, in _____ defined ____________ and introduced the system where each species receives a _______ and species _____________ grouped the organisms according to __________


24 Extinction __________________ of species
occurs at the _____________ of the last ________________ of that species. The ____________________ extinction event was the Earth’s most severe extinction event, rendering extinct ____________ of all ________ species and _________ of _______________________________species.

25 Thylacine yawning

26 Quagga at London's Regent's Park Zoo, last specimen in captivity died in 1883 at Artis Magistra Zoo in Amsterdam.

27 Thylacinus in Washington D. C. National Zoo, c
Thylacinus in Washington D.C. National Zoo, c It was 1936 when the last Thylacine took its final breath in Hobart Zoo, Tasmania

28 Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacine) photographed in a cage with a chicken 1936 - this marsupial carnivore


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