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Centre for Local Economic Strategies Forging economies for all

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1 Centre for Local Economic Strategies Forging economies for all
Neil McInroy Chief Executive @nmcinroy Delighted 3 time in New Zealand Experence of Austraila. Set out how economic dev is economic model growing across Europe and beyond. Will make some comment at end..but literary and innocent abroad… Practice to policy, and policy to practice

2 Who are CLES? Leading UK member and research organisation, realising progressive economics for people and place. . WHAT WE DO? Economic strategy Financial return mechanisms which harness wealth Place making Measure social value/local multipliers Addressing poverty/inequality WORK UK AND EUROPE. across UK and Beyond. Italy – Bologna Croatia – Koprivnica Romania – Satu Mare Hungary – Nagykálló Netherlands – Almelo Czechia – Prague District 9 Spain Barcelona Part of Global movement Oikonomos Local hankering/ GLOBAL 2

3 What is a progressive economy?
Who owns wealth, who influences it, who benefits from it – defining features of all economies. The aim is to create an economy where wealth is broadly held, with local roots, so income is recirculated. Economic and social life are two sides of same coin Who owns wealth, who influences it, who benefits from it – defining features of all economies. The aim is to create an economy where wealth is broadly held, with local roots, so income is recirculated. Economic and social life are two sides of same coin 3

4 BIT FED UP with existing models.
Climate change, peak oil, peak water, peak soil, energy insecurity Places need to adapt, new ways of sustainable living Ageing and migration Challenge to find the public resources to support Economic Global interdependency but growing haves and have nots. Rise of the precariat Crisis in democracy. Global economic forces, colliding with local democracy. Some breakdown in trust between people and politicians BIT FED UP with existing models.

5 Oxymoronic times Interregnum
It was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom Age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief


7 ‘The only people who believe in infinite growth in a finite world are madmen and economists’ Kenneth E Boulding

8 Huge Inequality IZTAPALAPA

9 Challenges for economic development
Business development seen synonymous with economic development Economic development seen as synonymous with economic growth Misalignment. Economic/Social/Environmental aims are rarely aligned People and place development is too often secondary to financial return? Extractive economy. Too often inward investment and hard infrastructure. It’s Place-Making! Based on GDP. Surely happiness!

10 We all stand on the shoulders of giants

11 What do the inspirations tell us
An economy is about people Economy of place as site for building empathy and connections between people Markets are about relationships Economies are an ecosystem Places as a site of difference and mingling Developing places are about making them more economically self reliant An economy is about people Markets is about growing deep relationships between people Places as sites for building empathy and connections between people Places as a site of difference and mingling Places as ecosystems

12 The ideas gaining ground
Hook the local into the global, whilst protecting the local Shorten supply chains (i.e food, energy) We have a desire for the authentic. And economy as somewhere NOT anywhere Service own demand locally Social energy and cultural vitality as an input and outcome of economic success - ‘bootstrap economics’, co-production, co-design Inclusive Growth

13 We must aspire to economies which can:
Strategy: Resilience We must aspire to economies which can: be smart and ready to take on opportunities. respond to shocks create social progress be adaptable and infinitely flexible We need economies of places to be and go.... Initial research – During Global Financial Crisis. Role of local government in creating economic resilience – We developed a Model for assessment Assessment model applied in Melbourne, Australia and in 16 Local Authority Areas in England. And regularly across UK. Developed Neighbourhood version. Developed Town Version. Applied in Northumberland, Gtr Manchester, all 479 Scottish Towns

14 We did research over a number of years now on what makes places have this quality...


16 We have three economies
Work across 4 continents. Collaborative and meaningful relationships with public sector/Local Authorities, citizens/community organisations. commercial./ public. Social fluffy. Energy. Basis to economy A system… CLES DO ASSESSMENTS BOIng grab opportunities. Deal with challenges Mayor of Portland Mayor of Barcelona. Citizens Not as recipients of economy. But part of it.. ‘Resilience is an emergent property of a system – it’s not a result of any one of the system’s parts but of the synergy between all its parts.’ Thomas Homer-Dixon, The Upside of Down, Souvenir Press Ltd, 2006

17 A new paradigm: welfare state past its prime?
Economic Development A new paradigm: welfare state past its prime?

18 Resilience of Scottish Towns
Work across 4 continents. Collaborative and meaningful relationships with public sector/Local Authorities, citizens/community organisations. commercial./ public. Social fluffy. Energy. Basis to economy A system… CLES DO ASSESSMENTS BOIng grab opportunities. Deal with challenges Mayor of Portland Mayor of Barcelona. Citizens Not as recipients of economy. But part of it..

19 Resilience of Pitlochry, Scotland
Initial research – During Global Financial Crisis. Role of local government in creating economic resilience – We developed a Model for assessment Assessment model applied in Melbourne, Australia and in 16 Local Authority Areas in England. And regularly across UK. Developed Neighbourhood version. Developed Town Version. Applied in Northumberland, Gtr Manchester, all 479 Scottish Towns

20 Local Matters 63p for every £1 spent with SME’s remains local but only 40p for every £1 spent with large firms remains local. Local economy does it better.

21 Local Wealth Building Thriving local places Struggling neighbourhoods
Not about regeneration. Market serve… Image adapted from illustration by Rory Seaford of The Creative Element,

22 Local Wealth Building in Preston
Fairness charter and living wage Anchor strategy across 7 Organisations (£1bn of spend) Acceleration of cooperatives Affordable housing: council land Credit union ‘guild money’ Bend of Local government pension scheme (initial £100m) Plan for wind farm: community energy.

23 A new paradigm: welfare state past its prime?
Social innovation A new paradigm: welfare state past its prime? Social Innovation. Comes from two sources The Bees Community groups/social enterprises 2. The Trees Big public agencies, companies with roots, power and money UNGER BARCELONA BIRMINGHAM Maker movcements

24 In midst of great change
Interregnum……. Gramsci… 24

25 Email. Website.
Phone. (0044) Manchester, England, Europe.

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