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Presentation on theme: "Pseudoscience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pseudoscience

2 Bill Nye: Pseudoscience
The process of testing a claim or idea is called: SCIENCE. If you have a claim or idea that cannot be tested, that is called: PSEUDOSCIENCE. That is the difference between pseudoscience and regular science, whether or not you can TEST your idea or claim.

3 Bill Nye: Pseudoscience
An important aspect of science is that experiments can be REPEATED. Someone else can perform the same experiment and get THE SAME RESULT.

4 Bill Nye: Pseudoscience
Astrology started out as the study of THE MOTIONS OF STARS AND PLANETS, but now astrologists claim that you can know a lot about a person’s personality based only on WHEN YOU WERE BORN.

5 Examples of Pseudoscience
Astrology/Horoscopes Aliens/Crop Circles The Lochness Monster Big Foot Magic Tricks Mythology (ex. Zeus) Psychic/Palm Reading Telepathy/Mind Reading Hypnosis Full Moon Lunacy Alien/Crop Circles Aromatherapy Homeopathy Paranormal Activity Feng Shui Near Death Experiences Out of Body Experiences Lie Detection (Polygraph) Prophecy

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