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FSHN Laboratory Safety Seminar August 24, 2011
FSB HNSB FSHN Laboratory Safety Seminar August 24, 2011 MacKay Welcome to the annual Lab safety seminar for the department of Food Science and Human Nutrition. My name is Joe P and I am the safety contact person and it is my job to help keep labs safe and to get answers to safety-related questions. So, please or call or stop by using the information on this slide and I will be glad to answer your questions as soon as possible. Also, remember to print and sign your name on the sheet going around to document this training. Joe Przybyszewski Office Phone: Office: 2583 FSB Lab Phone: NWRC
Outline Important Reminders New Safety Information
Safety Jeopardy game In this seminar, I will review some important safety reminders, present the safety information that is new since last year’s seminar and conclude with a game of Jeopardy! as a way of reinforcing important safety information that was missed in recent EH&S lab inspections.
Why think about safety? LABORATORY ACCIDENT
University of Washington, near Seattle Aug 28, 2010 shelf holding chemicals in a safety cabinet collapsed, causing the substances to mix together in an unsafe manner. one person did have contact with the spilled chemicals, but the individual was able to take an emergency shower, there was no resulting injury. the building was re-opened within 2 hrs. Why think about safety? Because accidents happen. A year ago at University of Washington, shelves holding chemicals collapsed. One of the substances spilled was formaldehyde. Notice that the person involved used the safety shower and the result was no injury. But it makes you think “Do I know where the nearest safety shower is in my lab?” or spill kit, or eye wash?” I used this as an example of how knowing where your safety equipment is can make the difference in the severity of an accident. Other accidents are not so minor. from:
MacKay Fire, 8-18-10 Reminders: Helpful advice:
Perform annual online fire safety training and fire extinguisher training, Inspect all power cords for fraying or damage, Plug heavy duty equipment right into power outlet. Keep lab area uncluttered. Helpful advice: Keep lab notebooks in water tight containers, Have your gas shut off if you are not using it. Case in point and closer to home, there was a fire in MacKay last year. An oven caught fire and triggered the sprinkler system causing extensive damage to the lab and floors below the fire. The pictured damage serves as a reminder to perform your online fire safety training every year, inspect all power cords for fraying or damage, keep your lab area uncluttered. Other helpful advice is to keep your lab notebooks in a water tight container and have your gas shut off if you do not use it.
Emergency Information Reminder
Update your emergency information Emergency Contact: information for those person(s) the university should contact in case you are injured, become ill, or are missing. Speaking of emergencies, also last year around this time was the flood in Ames. During the flood everyone was notified through ISU Alert about the boil order for drinking water. So, I use this photo as a reminder to update your emergency information. In Access Plus, there are two items for updating: 1) the emergency contact and 2) ISU Alert as in the slide. ISU Alert: information so that you can be notified in the event of a campus emergency.
Reminder for new lab employees
Before starting work in a lab: This is a reminder for those who are new to the University. There are a number of items that must be completed before you can start working in the lab. These checklists for new grad students and new faculty will guide you through the process. I will not go through these in detail except to say that these safety checklists are on the FSHN safety website.
FSHN Safety Website To get to these checklists and other useful safety information, go to the FSHN website, then under “For Faculty and Staff” go to “Department Safety Forms and SOPs”. Here, you will also find links to this and previous safety seminars so that if you want to review any information on my slides, you may go to this website. Please give me and Marilyn Cox some time to download this year’s seminar – Thanks!
Important Safety Reminder
Treatment for a lab- or work-related injury Even if you think the injury is too minor to do so, you must report the injury to your supervisor who will assist you in seeking medical treatment. When seeking treatment remember to bring MSDS &/or other safety info with you. Please notify medical staff that the treatment is due to a workplace injury or illness, so that they can initiate the proper paper work. Type of treatment Lab- &/or work-related injuries REPORT TO: first aid (minor injury requiring about 1 doctor visit - i.e. minor cut, burn, bee sting) longer term injury or illness after hours (M-F 5-9pm, SS 10am-6pm) life threatening (or after 9pm M-F, after 6pm SS) employees (faculty, staff, grad student in the lab - i.e. on the job) Occupational Medicine Office, G11 TASF Occupational Medicine, McFarland Clinic, Duff Ave McFarland Urgent Care Clinic, Duff Ave Emergency Room at Mary Greeley Medical Center, Duff Ave or (report incident to EH&S ASAP) undergrad students Thielen Student Health Center, corner of Sheldon Ave & Union Dr Since this comes up a lot, I’m showing this slide about where and when to go for treatment of lab- or work-related injuries. Read first line. Basically, for minor injuries during business hours, faculty, staff & grad students go to Occupational Med office in TASF basement (see map).
Reminder For malfunction of lab equipment, immediately call the contact person for that room as posted on the yellow emergency contact card on the outside of the lab door. Building _______________ Room ________ Date _________ IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, CALL: phone Major Professor/Principal Investigator Name:________________________________ _________ (office) ____________________ (home) ____________________ (cell) 1st alternate Name:_______________________________ _________ (office) ____________________ (home) ____________________ (cell) 2nd alternate SPECIAL HAZARDS: ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Another reminder, for a malfunction of lab equipment, please call the contact person for that room on the yellow Emergency Contact card on outside of the lab door. Also, please keep the Emergency Contact card on the door to your lab updated using permanent non-fading markers. If you need a new card, see me after the seminar as I have some on me.
Contact FPM by calling 4-5100 for routine maintenance work, such as:
Reminder Contact FPM by calling for routine maintenance work, such as: Too hot or cold in your room, Door lock problem, Roof leak, Plumbing or electrical problem, To replace light bulb in fume hood. For other routine maintenance work such as the items listed, please call FP&M.
New Safety Information
Nitric Acid Security New chemical security requirements from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Purchasers/users of nitric acid must: Complete short online training (users), Purchasers only: submit a form (with account number, $50 one-time fee) to EH&S that will authorize you to purchase nitric acid from ChemStores, Ensure nitric acid is secure and labeled appropriately. Moving on to new information about nitric acid security. If you purchase and/or use nitric acid at Iowa State University you need to fulfill chemical security requirements from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. This program is similar in structure to the current “tax-free ethanol” program. Purchasers/users of nitric acid must (see list). Please note that if you purchase &/or use nitric acid, you should have been notified by already. If you or someone you know purchases or uses nitric acid, you must submit an updated chemical inventory to Ryan Wyllie in preparation for a Compliance Assistance Visit Sept 7-9 to ensure training has been completed and that safety protocols are being followed. Contact Ryan Wyllie, (4-4092, for more information.
New Safety Information
EPA Inspection - May 2011 Potential violations: Open containers Unlabeled containers Same violations in 2000 and 2006. Potential fines are unknown. Please ensure you keep the waste containers in your lab closed and labeled. You may or may not have been aware that, on May 9 and 10 this spring, the EPA performed surprise inspections at various labs on campus. The potential violations were: opened and unlabeled containers for unwanted materials. Though most of the waste management procedures audited were in compliance with EPA regulations, the opened/unlabeled containers were repeat violations. That makes ISU a repeat offender in 2011 – with a record! Right now, the type and amount of potential fines is unknown, and we will not find out for several months. Now you know that the EPA WILL inspect laboratories at ISU; so, ensure that you keep the unwanted materials containers in your lab closed and labeled.
New Safety Information
Laboratory Safety Survey Program Audit Primary findings: The current chemical inventory management system needs to be evaluated, other products considered, and an analysis completed and presented to university administration for consideration of potential funding. The current incident reporting system must be evaluated. Laboratory deficiencies identified during EH&S-performed laboratory surveys require more rigorous follow-up and documentation. Changes to the laboratory safety program need to be better communicated to the research community. Also, the lab safety program at ISU was audited internally, earlier this year. The audit included a thorough review of policy documents, records and survey procedures to ensure that they are being followed, are effective and are adequately communicated to the laboratory population. The primary findings are listed.
New Safety Information
Laboratory Safety Survey Program Audit Upcoming renewed emphasis: submission and maintenance of chemical inventories from all laboratories, reporting of accidents and injuries occurring in laboratories will be tied together with the appropriate level of investigation and prevention strategies, follow-up and correction of identified laboratory deficiencies are documented, laboratories will be require to participate more actively in the compliance process. Since the findings of the audit must be addressed within one year of the audit report, this means that you will see a renewed emphasis on listed items.
New Safety Information
Procedural Changes of animal studies for AAALAC accreditation of the Colleges of Human Sciences and Veterinary Medicine: All diets and ingredients in the HNSB basement storage room are properly labeled with received date, PI name and expiration date. In case you were not aware, AAALAC Inc. (Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care) performed inspections of the colleges of Human Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in July for AAALAC accreditation. In preparation for these inspections, these last few slides show the procedural changes that were implemented.
New Safety Information
Procedural Changes for AAALAC accreditation of the Colleges of Human Sciences and Veterinary Medicine: LAR requests that lab coats be worn over street clothes in HNSB animal rooms. Soiled attire should be disposed of, laundered, or decontaminated by the institution as appropriate. To facilitate this request, LAR is providing disposable Lab Coats to be used in animal and procedural rooms. These disposable lab coats must remain in the HNSB animal facility. They may be hung in animal rooms and reused as needed. Please discard soiled disposable lab coats in the trash.
New Safety Information
Procedural Changes for AAALAC accreditation of the Colleges of Human Sciences and Veterinary Medicine: Eating and Drinking are prohibited in HNSB animal and procedure rooms. If you must bring in food or drink, please leave these items in the locker rooms or office. Food, food containers, backpacks, and non essential items are not to be left in the hallway. The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals states that “Personnel should not be permitted to eat, drink, use tobacco products, apply cosmetics, or handle or apply contact lenses in rooms and laboratories where animals are housed or used.”
New Safety Information
Procedural Changes for AAALAC accreditation of the Colleges of Human Sciences and Veterinary Medicine: A procedure for ordering animals at ISU was written detailing the steps necessary before ordering animals and beginning animal studies. I will not go into details except to say that this SOP can be found at the Human Sciences College website.
New Safety Information
Human Sciences College Committee on Safety and Sustainability website has been updated. To access the SOP for ordering animals, go to the Human Sciences College home page then to “Faculty and Staff” then “Safety”. Then Dept safety requirements and finally the SOP. Note that at this HSC website, you will also find safety information for each of the HSC departments and important information about reporting injuries, emergency procedures and sustainability resources.
Any Questions?
Chemical Safety Pounds of Paperwork Laboratory Equipment Useful Information $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000
Chemical Safety Pounds of Paperwork Laboratory Equipment Useful Information $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000
Chemical Safety $200 To avoid EPA violations, these two things must be done to all containers in satellite accumulation areas.
All containers in the lab must be labeled with these four things.
Chemical Safety $400 All containers in the lab must be labeled with these four things.
Chemical Safety $600 This category of chemical must be capped and chained/secured when not in use.
Gloves should be removed when doing this.
Chemical Safety $800 Gloves should be removed when doing this.
Chemical Safety $1000 These three items are required for labs containing more than 40 L of flammable solvents.
Chemical Safety $200-Answer
What is securely closed and properly labeled?
Chemical Safety $400-Answer
What are: Date, Initials, Full chemical name, Concentration? [A list of abbreviations and their meanings may be posted near the lab entrance and in a prominent place.]
Chemical Safety $600-Answer
What are compressed gases?
Chemical Safety $800-Answer
What is leaving the laboratory? [Please place them in the trash not on the lab bench.]
Chemical Safety $1000-Answer
What are a fume hood, flammable safety cabinet and a spill kit?
Pounds of Paperwork $200 This card needs to be updated and outside the door of every laboratory.
These three lists must be submitted to EH & S, two of them annually.
Pounds of Paperwork $400 These three lists must be submitted to EH & S, two of them annually. Daily Double
The deadline for completion of the FSHN Annual Safety checklist.
Pounds of Paperwork $600 The deadline for completion of the FSHN Annual Safety checklist.
Pounds of Paperwork $800 In the emergency action plan template, these two things must be filled out.
Pounds of Paperwork $1000 These three things must be done before starting a technique which involves hazards.
Pounds of Paperwork $200-Answer
What are emergency contact cards? [I have some with me if you need any.]
Pounds of Paperwork $400-Answer
What are the chemical and biological inventories and a hazard inventory form? [Homeland Security Inspectors are checking chemical inventories – remember to update it!]
Pounds of Paperwork $600-Answer
What is January 31?
Pounds of Paperwork $800-Answer
What are the emergency contact information and the meeting location? [Do NOT just print out the template from EH&S – you must fill in ALL pertinent information.]
Pounds of Paperwork $1000-Answer
What are develop a standard operating procedure, document the training for it and submit a Hazard Inventory?
Laboratory Equipment $200
Signage indicating the suitability of volatile chemicals or food storage is required on this.
Laboratory Equipment $400
The testing of these two pieces of lab equipment must be performed and recorded monthly.
Laboratory Equipment $600
Keep this stocked in case someone has a minor injury in the lab.
Laboratory Equipment $800
The safety deficiency in this photo.
Laboratory Equipment $1000
All equipment must be checked for this potential fire hazard and corrected as necessary.
Laboratory Equipment $200-Answer
What are refrigerators and/or freezers?
Laboratory Equipment $400-Answer
What are the eye wash station and autoclave? [Ensure that eye wash station records are legible and/or obtain tags from EH&S.]
Laboratory Equipment $600-Answer
What is the first aid kit?
Laboratory Equipment $800-Answer
What are used gloves lying on the lab bench? [This gives the impression that gloves are being reused. Gloves should be single-use only.]
Laboratory Equipment $1000-Answer
What are cracked, broken or exposed electrical cords?
Useful Information $200 This handy device could simultaneously turn off all your computer equipment and save energy.
Liquid soap works better than bar soap to prevent this.
Useful Information $400 Liquid soap works better than bar soap to prevent this.
Useful Information $600 This is the department that answers a 911 call placed from a cell phone.
Useful Information $800 This is the number one way to ensure that your lab has taken the proper safety measures.
Inspectors from EH&S want to know the location of these four things.
Useful Information $1000 Inspectors from EH&S want to know the location of these four things.
Useful Information $200-Answer
What is a power strip?
Useful Information $400-Answer
What is cross contaminate hands?
Useful Information $600-Answer
Who are the Ames Police? [Please state that you are calling from ISU campus. (prefer that you call DPS at , store on cell phone)]
Useful Information $800-Answer
What is complete the annual lab safety inspection survey? [The surveys should be done annually and stored with the other records in the lab.]
Useful Information $1000-Answer
What are training records, safety surveys, first aid kit, spill kit, lab safety manual, SOPs, MSDSs?
Final Jeopardy Information Sources
Final Jeopardy This is the best source for lab safety information.
You have 1 minute to consult…
This is the best source for lab safety information.
Final Jeopardy This is the best source for lab safety information. Time Is Up
Final Jeopardy - Answer
What is the EH&S lab safety website.
Jeopardy Thank you for playing another fine round of America’s favorite question and answer game.
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