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1 FAA Florida Alternate Assessment Karen Schafer Office of Testing and Accountability Brevard Public Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "1 FAA Florida Alternate Assessment Karen Schafer Office of Testing and Accountability Brevard Public Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 FAA Florida Alternate Assessment Karen Schafer Office of Testing and Accountability Brevard Public Schools

2 2 6A-1.09981 (5) School performance grades shall be based on a combination of the following three components: (b) Annual learning gains, aggregated for each school which indicate the percent of eligible students who have: 1. Improved their FCAT Achievement Level or Florida Alternate Assessment Performance Level, as applicable, from one year to the next, or 2. Maintained their proficient Achievement Level on FCAT or the Florida Alternate Assessment. WHY DO WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT FAA?

3 3 WHY DO WE HAVE AN ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT? Because Florida Statutes, IDEA & NCLB hold schools, districts, and states accountable for the ACADEMIC achievement of ALL students in reading, math, language arts, and science, Every student takes either FCAT or FAA

4 4 Students with significant cognitive disabilities and students with autism who are functioning at that level for whom FCAT is not appropriate. Students whose IEP Team has decided that all five statements on the FAA Participation Checklist accurately characterize a student’s current educational situation WHO TAKES THE FAA?

5 5

6 6 FAA Participation Checklist

7 7 The FAA is based on the Sunshine State Standards (SSS) in reading, math, writing and science The SSS provide academic Access Points for students with significant cognitive disabilities and students with autism who are functioning at that level Access Points reflect the key academic concepts of the SSS with reduced levels of complexity WHAT ARE STUDENTS TESTED ON ?

8 8 ACCESS POINTS More ComplexLess Complex


10 10 Access Points provide students with significant cognitive disabilities and students with autism who are functioning at that level access To the general education curriculum To academic skills and concepts Access Points should drive academic instruction for students who qualify to take the FAA WHAT ARE ACCESS POINTS ?

11 11 Standards Driven System

12 12 HOW IS THE TEST CONSTRUCTED ? 16 items in each content area (RMWS) Each item has 3 questions One each written at the Participatory, Supported and Independent level There are 3 answer choices per question Students start with the Participatory question and are presented with more complex questions as they provide correct responses

13 13 HOW IS EACH ITEM SCORED ? Q1PQ1P Q2SQ2S Q3IQ3I Remove incorrect choice #1: Repeat prompt with 2 cards Remove incorrect choice #2: Repeat prompt with one card 0 Q1 at the Participatory level presented first. For each question answered correctly, student moves to next question of higher complexity. If Q1 is answered incorrectly, “scaffolding” occurs Students earn 1, 2, 3, 6 or 9 points per item Item 1 3 response choices for each question

14 14 Scoring each item Students earn 1,2,3,6, or 9 pts per item Refusal to participate scores 0 Total Score Sum of points earned on each of the 16 items Maximum score possible in each content area is 144 points (16 items x 9 pts.) HOW IS THE TEST SCORED?

15 15



18 18 HOW DID BREVARD’S STUDENTS DO ON FAA? # Assessed Emergent 1 2 3 Achieved 4 5 6 Commended 7 8 9 Proficient 4 - 9 Reading41229%31%40%71% Math41230%48%22%70% Science16628%43%28%71% Writing14735%33%32%65%

19 19 ReadingMathScienceWriting Brevard71%70%71%65% Okaloosa81%83%86%84% Santa Rosa80% 90%79% Seminole67%68%65%68% St. Johns67%65%69%60% Volusia68%62%73%60% State68%66%70%62% Percent at Proficiency HOW DID BREVARD’S STUDENTS DO ON FAA?

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