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1. Accentuate (v) 1. To give prominence to; emphasize or intensify:

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1 1. Accentuate (v) 1. To give prominence to; emphasize or intensify:
“The sun streamed in from the windows behind him, and shadows lay over his face and accentuated the lines of his cheeks and jaw.” Accentuated, accentuating, accentuates

2 2. Adversary (n) An opponent or enemy
Of all the students in class, my teacher paired me up with my greatest adversary for the project. Adversaries “I saw no need to tell him about my letter to my brother. Abraham was always told me that the less you let an adversary know about you, the better off you'll be. And something told me Benjamin Fishbourne was an adversary.” Ann Rinaldi, A Ride into Morning; The Story of Tempe Wick

3 3. Illuminate (v) To provide with light or cast light on someone or something The lights from the candle illuminated the house and gave everything a warm glow. “Thousands of torches were placed strategically so that a soft, dusky light illuminated the entire city.” Suzanne Collins, Gregor the Overlander

4 4. Gusto (n) Great enjoyment, zest
John decided his goal was to approach life with the same gusto his nephew had on his birthday. “In December 1774, Benedict was one of sixty to join in the newly formed militia company in New Haven; in March of the following year he was elected captain. He was thirty-four years old but he took command with the same gusto as if he'd been fifteen.” Jean Fritz, Traitor: The Case of Benedict Arnold

5 5. Immune (adj) 1. Protected from disease naturally or by vaccination or innoculation I’m immune to chicken pox because I had it when I was young. Not subject to an obligation imposed on others; exempt As a diplomat, he is immune from criminal proceedings. Immunize

6 6. Impending (adj) About to occur
When she realized her brakes could not stop her tires from sliding on the ice, she braced herself for the impending collision. “Throughout the country was a feeling of impending evil. It was as if some unknown terror would come out of the deep shadows.” Marie McSwigan, Snow Treasure

7 7. Preoccupation (n) An obsession or fixation
She was so preoccupied with the phone she didn't even know she walked into traffic. Preoccupied

8 8. Labyrinth (n) 1. a complex structure of connected passages through which it is difficult to find one’s way; a maze I had to climb through a labyrinth of tunnels to save the lost puppy. 2. something complicated or confusing in design or construction

9 9. Meticulous (adj) Showing great concern for details; extremely careful and precise

10 10. Ambiguous (adj) - Not clear; vague; open to misinterpretation; possible to be understood in more than one way. The project was never completed because the manager's instructions were to ambiguous for the employees to understand. - Ambiguity (n)

11 11. Introspection (n) The examination of one’s own thoughts and feelings After much introspection, Jay realized that he was not happy with his job, and began looking for a new one. Introspective, introspectively

12 12. Alliteration (n) The repetition of the same sound, usually consonants or consonant clusters, especially at the beginning of words. Poets and writers often employ alliteration in their writing, such as “I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet” in Robert Frost’s “Acquainted with the Night.”

13 13. Analogy (n) 1. Similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise unlike. 2. An explanation of something by comparing it with something similar. The author uses the analogy of a beehive when describing the bustling city. Analogies, analogous

14 14. Voracious (adj) 1. eating or eager to eat great amounts of food; ravenous When they finally were fed after starving for months, they were extremely voracious. 2. having or marked by an insatiable appetite for an activity or occupation I was excited that he was such a voracious reader!

15 15. Zoology (n) 1. The branch of biology that deals with animals.
2. The different animals of a particular area or period. Australia has a very different zoology than that of North America. zoologies

16 16. Formidable (adj.) 1. arousing fear, dread, alarm, or great concern
The men wish to protect themselves from the formidable Arkansas sun. 2. Admirable, awe-inspiring A formidable musical talent Formidability, formidably

17 17. Fragrance (n) A sweet or pleasant odor; a scent
The air freshener did not have the pleasant fragrance that was advertised on the package. “He was not hungry. But when Kino begged him he took up his porcelain spoon and drank a little of the soup. It was hot and good, and he smelled its fragrance in his nostrils.” Pearl S. Buck, The Big Wave

18 18. Furtive (adj) Done or acting in a way that is intended not to be noticed; sneaky - The boy was acting in such a furtive manner that his mother became suspicious about what he was doing.

19 19. Gargoyle (n) A waterspout or ornamental figure in the form of a grotesque animal or person projecting from the gutter of a building

20 20. Superficial (adj.) * Surface level, not deep
- “The Lottery” has both superficial and symbolic messages.

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