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Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) September 2016

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1 Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) September 2016
Uptake of the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Hospitals and Long Term Care Facilities (LTCFs) Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) September 2016

2 Influenza Vaccine Staff Uptake in Hospitals, 2015-2016 (n=50 Hospitals)
Participation 50 hospitals provided sufficient data for complete analysis Uptake (average) Among all HCWs was 22.5% (range by staff category, %) highest among ‘medical and dental’ professionals lowest among ‘nursing’ staff Hospital Group range: % Acute Paediatric Services Hospital group highest uptake: 37.6% In general uptake higher in larger (staff numbers) hospitals 7 (14.0%) hospitals reported uptake > 40% among all HCWs (HSE Target)

3 Influenza Vaccine Staff Uptake in LTCFs, 2015-2016 (n=98 LTCFs) (I)
Participation 101 out of 229 (44.1%) of known LTCFs participated Uptake (average) LTCF HCWs was 26.6% (range by staff category, %) highest among ‘medical and dental’ professionals lowest among ‘nursing’ staff 18 (18.4%) LTCFs exceeded 40% national uptake target Range across Community Health Organisations: % highest in CHO 9 (Dublin North, Dublin North Central, Dublin North West) at 48.1% No association between average uptake and number of eligible staff within LTCFs

4 Influenza Vaccine Uptake in residents in LTCFs, 2015-2016 (n=98 LTCFs) (II)
Uptake since the beginning of season among: long stay residents: % respite residents: % respite residents vaccinated before admission: %

5 Uptake by Health Care Workers (HCWs) in Hospitals* by Season
Total No. HCWs Total No. Vaccinated HCWs Avg. Uptake % Avg. Uptake % 95% CIs Median Uptake % Range Uptake % No. Hospitals 46329 8275 17.7 15.7 42 41995 7325 14.6 11.0 35 50202 12234 21.5 19.4 46 51324 12006 21.3 20.1 45 59204 14833 22.5 19.8 50 *Results based on complete returns consisting of eligible and vaccinated staff numbers by HSE category of staff in each season

6 Uptake by Health Care Workers (HCWs) in LTCFs* by Season
Total No. Eligible HCWs Total No. Vaccinated HCWs Avg. % Uptake Avg. % Uptake 95% CIs Median % Uptake Range % Uptake No. LTCFs 4705 849 16.0 10.0 70 2082 16.6 11.8 0-76 137 3268 26.0 20.6 0-100 117 10658 2739 28.1 25.0 91 2420 26.6 22.8 98 *Results based on complete returns consisting of eligible and vaccinated staff numbers by HSE category of staff in each season

7 Uptake by Hospital HCW Staff Category by Season*
*Results based on complete returns consisting of eligible and vaccinated staff numbers by HSE category of staff in each season

8 Uptake by LTCF HCW Staff Category by Season*
*Results based on complete returns consisting of eligible and vaccinated staff numbers by HSE category of staff in each season

9 Uptake in Hospitals by Hospital Group & Season*
*Results based on complete returns consisting of eligible and vaccinated staff numbers by HSE category of staff in each season; Data for and seasons not available for Midwest (UL) and Private groupings and graph excludes returns from 8 facilities in the South East that previously reported as hospitals up until

10 Uptake in LTCFs by CHO & Season*
*Results based on complete returns consisting of eligible and vaccinated staff numbers by HSE category of staff in each season

11 Percentage of Participating Hospitals with Uptake >40% by Season*
*Results based on complete returns consisting of eligible and vaccinated staff numbers by HSE category of staff in each season

12 Percentage of Participating LTCFs with Uptake >40% by Season*
*Results based on complete returns consisting of eligible and vaccinated staff numbers by HSE category of staff in each season

13 Uptake in Hospitals by Staff Size & Season*
*Results based on complete returns consisting of eligible and vaccinated staff numbers by HSE category of staff in each season

14 Uptake in LTCFs by Staff Size & Season*
*Results based on complete returns consisting of eligible and vaccinated staff numbers by HSE category of staff in each season

15 Percentage of Long-term Residents Vaccinated Since Season Start*
*Results based on complete returns consisting of eligible and vaccinated staff numbers by HSE category of staff in each season; One of the 101 LTCFs that participated in the survey did not provide complete information on resident uptake details

16 Percentage of Respite Residents Vaccinated Before Admission Since Season Start*
*Results based on complete returns consisting of eligible and vaccinated staff numbers by HSE category of staff in each season; One of the 101 LTCFs that participated in the survey did not provide complete information on resident uptake details

17 Percentage of Respite Residents Vaccinated in LTCFs Since Season Start*
*Results based on complete returns consisting of eligible and vaccinated staff numbers by HSE category of staff in each season; One of the 101 LTCFs that participated in the survey did not provide complete information on resident uptake details

18 Conclusions National average influenza vaccine uptake for HCWs currently remain low, with an average uptake of 22.5% in reporting hospitals, and 26.6% in reporting LTCFs These uptake figures are considerably less than the 40% national uptake target set by the HSE for the season

19 Recommendations Identify reasons for variation in vaccination coverage across hospitals/facilities, health professionals and regions Improve access to vaccination clinics through mobile units operating on-site, in the wards for all shifts etc. Increase frequency of vaccination clinics before and after the new year period of flu season

20 Recommendations continued
Improve knowledge and attitudes to vaccination Have timely reminders and introduce incentives Assign dedicated personnel to support the vaccination programme Resources provided at local, regional and national level to drive forward standard policies and practices for targets to be met

21 Recommendations continued
Identify key local personnel that need time and resources to implement policies Encourage local leadership and strong and motivational communication messages Information-led promotion strategies designed on the basis that workplace context influences vaccine acceptance

22 Recommendations continued
Highlight influenza vaccination as an infection control measure, and as a marker of quality and professional care Communicate to HCWs that vaccination should be regarded as integral to duty of care, as equally important as hand hygiene Address HCWs concerns regarding vaccination in relation to their living with carriers of chronic diseases or the perception of a lack of good health

23 Recommendations continued
Identify cost effective solutions for collecting staff vaccination information at local level, but each health care setting given adequate resources to build their own information systems An improved national IT solution with necessary staffing needed to make reporting and analysis of data more efficient

24 Acknowledgements Sincere thanks to all participating hospitals and LTCFs for providing this data

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