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Current Situation in The Netherlands e-Procurement (TenderNed)

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Presentation on theme: "Current Situation in The Netherlands e-Procurement (TenderNed)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Current Situation in The Netherlands e-Procurement (TenderNed)
Henk Wijnen (Ministry of Economic Affairs/PIANOo) June 11th, 2008, St Paul de Vence

2 e-Procurement: overview
One national system: TenderNed Web based Governmentally owned All contracting authorities (central/decentralized) + all contracting entities (± 5000) All businesses (> ) From e-Notice till e-Awarding Expected tenders: yearly

3 Responsibilities & Stakeholders
Ministry of Economics Affairs/PIANOo Development Roll-out: courses Administration: registration, helpdesk Ministry of Economics Affairs Policy/law Finance Contracting authorities & entities Implementation Businesses

4 Legal situation & Challenges
New Tender Law mid 2009 Obliged notification with TenderNed All tenders: above and below European threshold No obligation to fully implement e-Procurement Challenges Technical: robust, safe, suitable for > users Roll-out: natural resistance against change, implementation trajectory within the organisational structure of contracting authorities, trust, safety, Planning: legal obligation e-notification (mid 09)

5 E-Procurement: e-signature
TenderNed Prototype: one level Qualified signature for all functionalities Not mature for large scale usage TenderNed: three levels Notifications: accessible without authentication Download specifications: username/password Publication/tendering: username/password + transaction code via other medium (SMS)

6 Planning e-Procurement
2006 – 2008 Prototype TenderNed All functionalities 150 tenders (mostly special sector) Not suitable for large number of users 2009 – 2010 TenderNed E-Notification module: mid 2009 [data based] E-Vault, Virtual Company Dossier: end 2009 [document based] All functionalities: 2010 including all procedures, selection of candidates, e-awarding, e-auction, negotiation etc. [data based]

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