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Sorption-enhanced hydrogen production for pre-combustion CO2 capture

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1 Sorption-enhanced hydrogen production for pre-combustion CO2 capture
Ruud van den Brink, Paul Cobden, Paul van Beurden, Jurriaan Boon, Rick Reijers, Steven Kluiters, Jan-Wilco Dijkstra, and Daan Jansen

2 Sorption-Enhanced Reaction Process: Integrated reaction and CO2 adsorption
Coal Coal gasification Gas Cleaning SE WGS GTCC Power CO2 H2 Natural gas ATR SR SE WGS GTCC Power CO2 H2 Natural gas SE reforming GTCC Power CO2

3 Advantage of SERP: Shifting the equilibrium to the product side
Steam reforming: CH4 + H2O H2 + CO (H = 206 kJ/mol) Water-gas shift: CO + H2O H2 + CO2 (H = – 41 kJ/mol) Overall: CH4 + 2 H2O H2 + CO2 CH4 + H2O H2 +CO +CO2 CH4 + H2O H2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 catalyst catalyst catalyst CO2 sorbent catalyst sorbent CO2 Ordinary Methane Reforming Sorption-enhanced Reforming

4 SERP is a batch process H steam steam air natural gas steam CO
2 + SERP reactor in adsorption mode steam air natural gas gas turbine generator steam SERP reactor in desorption mode water knock out CO 2

5 ECN Activities SERP Thermodynamic and cost efficiencies: lecture Daniel Jansen, Session L-4 Catalyst studies: next presentation CO2 sorbent research Lab-scale SERP reactions studies Reactor modelling

6 Summary of efficiency calculations
Air Air GT CC H2 Efficiency (%) CO2 recovery (%) Air-ATR SE-WGS 50.4 90.0 SE-reforming 51.6 85.0 Ref. w/o CO2 capture 57.1 0.0 CH4 ATR CO2 Air GT CC H2 CH4 CO2 Relatively low efficiency penalty Steam in reaction mode (S/C) + steam used in regeneration mode (S/CO2) determines the overall efficiency. In efficiency calculations a S/C = 3 and S/CO2 = 1.8

7 Materials Research – Experimental Apparatus
Experimental conditions 100 ml/min flows 1 – 5 grams sample 1 – 4 bar(a) Diluted gases Materials Commercially available WGS en SMR catalysts 22 wt% K2CO3-Hydrotalcites

8 Presence of steam in sorption step promotes CO2 uptake
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 10 20 30 H2O concentration [vol.%] q(ads) [mmol/g] CO2 5% N2 balance Flow 100 sccm T = 400 °C P = 1 atm 3 g K/HTC

9 Capacity for CO2 of hydrotalcite decreases with temperature
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 q(ads) [mmol/g] CO2 5% H2O 30% N % Flow 100 sccm T = 400 °C P = 1 atm 3 g K/HTC Structure collapses Above 500 °C 350 400 450 500 550 Temperature [°C]

10 Conversion Enhancement in Water-Gas Shift Reaction
6 CO % H2O 14.5% CO2 2.5% H % N % Flow 100 sccm T = 400 °C P = 1 atm 3 g K/HTC cat/ads =1:6 w/w Breakthrough 5 CO2 4 CO Concentration [%] 3 2 100% CO conversion Equilibrium CO conversion (50 %) 1 5 10 15 20 Time [min]

11 Conversion Enhancement in Steam Reforming Reaction
ads desorption ads desorption ads desorption ads 1.0 100% 0.9 90% CH % H2O 17.5% N % Flow 25 sccm T = 400 °C P = 1 atm 3 g K/HTC cat/ads =1:2 w/w CH 4 0.8 80% CO 2 0.7 Conversion 70% 0.6 60% 0.5 CH4 conversion [%] 50% , concentration [vol%] 0.4 40% 0.3 30% 0.2 20% 0.1 10% 0.0 0% 50 100 150 200 250 Time [min] Breakthrough of methane before CO2

12 Reactor Model Modeling Isothermal, isobaric
Langmuir or Freundlich adsorption isotherm Intrinsic reaction kinetics for SMR and WGS Linear Driving Force (LDF) for adsorption:

13 Shifting the equilibrium
Methane steam reforming CH4 + 2 H2O H2 + CO2 4 3 partial pressure (bar) H2 a nd CO2 2 1 Steam reforming 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Overall conversion (%)

14 Modeling results: small fraction of bed has zero CO2
0.35 0.5 min 0.3 1 1.5 2 0.25 3 4 0.2 5 loading [mol/kg] 6 7 0.15 8 9 2 CO 10 0.1 11 12.5 0.05 14 16 25 min 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Bed position [-]

15 Shifting the equilibrium
Methane steam reforming CH4 + 2 H2O H2 + CO2 WGS reaction 4 3 partial pressure (bar) H2 a nd CO2 2 Water gas shift 1 Steam reforming CO + H2O H2 + CO2 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Overall conversion (%)

16 Steam to carbon (S/C) ratio: variation of CH4 concentration
8 CH to 8.3% H2O 17.5% N2 balance Flow 25 sccm T = 400 °C P = 1 atm 3 g K/HTC cat/ads =1:2 w/w adsorption desorption 3.0 g cat g ads 6 CH4 S/C = 2 Concentration [%] 4 S/C = 3 2 S/C = 4 CO2 S/C = 5 S/C = 6 5 10 15 20 Elapsed time [min] Reaction conditions: 2.9 to 8.3% CH4, 17.5% H2O, bal.% N2, 400°C

17 Conversion Enhancement in Steam Reforming Reaction
ads desorption ads desorption ads desorption ads 1.0 100% CH % H2O 17.5% N % Flow 25 sccm T = 400 °C P = 1 atm 3 g K/HTC cat/ads =1:2 w/w 0.9 90% CH 4 0.8 CO 80% 2 ,CO concentration [vol%] Conversion 0.7 70% conversion [%] 0.6 60% 0.5 50% 4 0.4 Long tail in desorption 40% CH 2 ,CO 0.3 30% 4 CH 0.2 20% 0.1 10% 0.0 0% 50 100 150 200 250 Time [min]

18 Materials Research – Results
3,5 H2O 29% N % Flow 100 sccm T = 400 °C P = 1 atm 3 g K/HTC 3,0 2,5 2,0 CO2 flow [ml/min] 1,5 PURAL MG70 with 22 wt% K CO 2 3 1,0 70% 80% 90% 0,5 0,0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time [min] S/CO2 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

19 Adsorption isotherm of CO2 on K2CO3-promoted hydrotalcite
2.5 Real-life conditions for e.g. SEWGS in IGCC 2.0 400°C 1.5 Adsorbed CO2 [mmol/g] 500°C 1.0 0.5 Experiments in ECN Lab-scale set-up 0.0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 CO2 pressure [atm]

20 Experiment at higher pressures
Equilibrium at 3.5 atm: 45 % CH4 conversion 0.6 CH4 3% H2O 17.5% N % Flow 30 sccm T = 400 °C P = 1 & 3.5 atm 3 g K/HTC cat/ads =1:2 w/w 0.5 0.4 Equilibrium at 1 atm: 55 % CH4 conversion CO2 and CH4 outlet flow [ml/min] Breakthrough CO2 10 minutes later at 3.5 bara than at 1 atm 0.3 P = atmospheric 0.2 0.1 P = 2.5 barg 0.0 CH4 breakthrough still after 3 mins at 3.5 atm 20 40 60 Time [min]

21 Conclusions Promoted HTC is suited for SE-WGS.
Sorption-enhanced reforming yields low efficiency penalties Provided that steam input can be kept low However, using K2CO3-HTC as sorbent, steam is needed to prevent early breakthrough of methane and for regeneration. Possible remedies: At higher pressures regeneration requires less steam higher temperatures would give better performance and lower steam need However, above 500°C, CO2 capacity of promoted hydrotalcite decreases strongly.

22 Future work Sorption-enhanced reforming High-temperature sorbents
Experiments at higher pressures (10 to 40 bar(a)) and less diluted gases Sorption-enhanced Water Gas Shift CACHET project (EU FP6 & CCP-2) Collaboration with Air Products 2 meter high bed SEWGS PDU Multiple 6 meter high beds Proof-of-Concept unit

23 Acknowledgement CATO is the Dutch national research programme on CO2 Capture and Storage. CATO is financially supported by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ) and the consortium partners. (

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