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Data Preparation Group Summary of the Activities

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1 Data Preparation Group Summary of the Activities
C. Zampolli 7 June 2016

2 DPG Organization 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

3 Analysis Objects and Tools
DPG Structure DPG Coordination PROC Processing QAT QA and Tools AOT Analysis Objects and Tools 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

4 DPG Structure DPG Coordination PROC QAT AOT Data Monte Carlo
Processing QAT QA and Tools AOT Analysis Objects and Tools Data preparation and follow-up Monte Carlo preparation and follow-up Processing execution 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

5 DPG Structure DPG Coordination QAT AOT Data Monte Carlo
QA and Tools AOT Analysis Objects and Tools preparation and follow-up Data Monte Carlo preparation and follow-up Processing execution Quality Assurance planning and execution Tools for Quality Assurance and validation PROC Processing 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

6 DPG Structure DPG Coordination AOT Quality Assurance Tools Data
Analysis Objects and Tools Quality Assurance planning and execution for Quality Assurance and validation Tools preparation and follow-up Data Monte Carlo preparation and follow-up Processing execution AOD definition and maintenance Event properties Global Tracks properties PROC Processing QAT QA and Tools 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

7 DPG Structure DPG Coordination Quality Assurance Monte Carlo
planning and execution for Quality Assurance and validation Tools preparation and follow-up Data definition and maintenance AOD Global Tracks properties Monte Carlo preparation and follow-up Processing execution Event properties PROC Processing QAT QA and Tools AOT Analysis Objects and Tools 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

8 DPG People DPG Coordination PROC QAT AOT Processing QA and Tools
Chiara Zampolli PROC Processing Roberto Preghenella Catalin-Lucian Ristea (*) Chiara Zampolli QAT QA and Tools Marie Germain Jacek Otwinowski (*) AOT Analysis Objects and Tools Catalin-Lucian Ristea (*), Constantin Loizides Andrea Dainese, Andrea Rossi (*) detectors PWGs detectors detectors PWGs (*) Institutional responsibilities Collaboration with members of old PWGPP (event selection, track selection, centrality) 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

9 DPG organization 2 Coordination weekly meetings, 1h long
Wednesday, 13-14, dedicated to productions, to prepare for PB on Thu Friday, 13-14, general coordination meeting, to discuss DPG activities, and prepare for CB on Mon Dedicated coordination meetings to focus on specific topics organized ad-hoc General meeting during Mini-Weeks Tuesday morning (overlapping with PWG-DQ though) Agenda will include: Presentation(s) of DPG activities Topical talks Input from detectors, PWGs, … PWGPP-calibration meeting still used to discuss production-related technical issues DPG has one contact per detector (same as for Computing Board) and per PWG, plus external contacts (HLT, BTG, RC…) 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

10 DPG activities …in addition to continuous data production, Monte Carlo production, and QA activities… 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

11 Repository AliDPG repository created:
AOD MC QA bin Macros/scripts to process data to be added 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

12 Thanks to Giulio and Dario
Repository AliDPG repository created: Tagging strategy: Tagging for main AliRoot/AliPhysics version: E.g.: AliDPG XX should work for all the AliPhysics/AliRoot oftype v5-07 Needs discussion within Offline AliRoot/AliPhysics tags need more stability for data production Release validation helps, but many pieces change and may interfere with data production Thanks to Giulio and Dario 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

13 Monte Carlo Simulations
Setting up of Monte Carlo simulations in a new fashion: One steering script ( can trigger several options: OCDB snapshot creation  also for MC Simulation Reconstruction QA AOD production All the above takes as input the mode (above), generator (9 predefined + custom possible), run, energy, system, detector configuration (default or custom), B field, simulation config, reconstruction config, number of events, QA config, AOD config, UID (for seeding), bmin, bmax, … Detector configuration separated from generator configuration Custom configuration defined in separate files Roberto, Catalin 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

14 Monte Carlo Simulations
Setting up of Monte Carlo simulations in a new fashion: One steering script ( can trigger several options: OCDB snapshot creation  also for MC Simulation Reconstruction QA AOD production All the above takes as input the mode (above), generator (9 predefined + custom possible), run, energy, system, detector configuration (default or custom), B field, simulation config, reconstruction config, number of events, QA config, AOD config, UID (for seeding), bmin, bmax, … Detector configuration separated from generator configuration Custom configuration defined in separate files Roberto, Catalin LHC16e3: first official production with AliDPG: many thanks to Costin! 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

15 DPG interface/database
Brainstorming started on the “DPG interface” The goal is to have a tool that allows people (all ALICE users) to easily retrieve the information about the data produced and available in ALICE It will be, as first layer, an interface to several databases MonALISA, functional tests, QA… Should allow people to Relate datasets Retrieve run lists for specific analysis Verify usage of datasets Check the quality of a dataset As a whole, or in terms of single runs The requirements are being defined, the implementation will come next Very demanding task! 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

16 QA tools Better interface to QA, more functionalities
One single entry point for QA Correlations Comparisons Trending Visualization Easy/fast retrieval of information/data Scalability Exploration of what is on the market ElasticSearch + Kibana Jihyun Jacek Dynamicity 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

17 QA scheduling QA activities very demanding Marie
Many productions (data, MC, reprocessing) always ongoing Might have different processing life and timings (e.g.: feedback on data might be crucial for data taking) Typically one person per detector assigned to all QA activities for that detector Effort to re-think the QA organization aiming at: More involvement of ALICE collaboration Faster feedback But: better to have good (or reliable) data slowly, than bad (or unreliable) data fast Requires: Robust and easy QA interfaces and tools, more automatization Could affect time scheduling, reshuffling of QA-ed systems For now, trying to improve what we have with as little changes as possible Changes in scheduling Active feedback from QA experts required More automatization Easier feedback mechanism (digest, table) Marie More discussions within the QA group Thanks to Costin for the technical support! 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

18 Physics Selection Recent changes in the Physics Selection to work also with AOD New cuts introduced for pp data Detailed presentation by Evgeny at the next Physics Forum Evgeny Constantin 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

19 Summary and conclusions
The structure of the DPG is now defined Many activities are being followed, avoiding any rupture with PWGPP, and any hic-ups in the data and Monte Carlo processing flow Tools for ALICE users are being discussed and implemented, the challenge is in coupling simplicity (use) with complexity (content) If you want to reach us: 07/06/16 C. Zampolli - 07 June 2016

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