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Objective and Focus Objective:

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Presentation on theme: "Objective and Focus Objective:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective and Focus Objective:
TLW (the learner will) be introduced to the class procedures, content and goals. Focus: 1. Pick a seat, try to guess which one you will be assigned to alphabetically. 2. Pick up handouts at the end of the lecture table.

2 Welcome new Physicans to Dubuisson Hill!

3 Welcome to Physics! I will introduce you to physics and to our classroom. If you have any questions during my presentation, please raise your hand and wait to be called on.

4 All About Me My background I grew up in Nederland.
I attended Nederland High School, University of Mary Hardin Baylor, Baylor University with various classes at A&M, UT, Lamar, etc… My experience I’ve been teaching for 19 years. I have also taught sixth and seventh grades, IPC, Biology, Chemistry, Astronomy and Physics.

5 My Family My husband My children daughter, Tara Our pets
Mr. Dubuisson My children daughter, Tara Our pets dogs, Maggie Mae and Dusty

6 My Goals To give you the academic and social skills you need to be successful in college. To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment. To help you make new friends and discover new interests.

7 Class Subjects The subjects we cover in physics are:
Reading and writing Math Kinematics Electricity Magnetism

8 Reading You will be required to read.
You need to practice reading for key points.

9 Writing You will be outlining each chapter in complete sentences.
You will answer all questions in complete sentences.

10 Math We will doing problem solving throughout the year. You will be using your algebra and geometry skills.

11 Kinematics Kinematics is the study of how and why things move. It includes speed, velocity, acceleration, gravity, forces, momentum, and so much more.

12 Electricity In the spring we will study electricity and all the components of that topic.

13 Magnetism We will end the year on magnetism and all the topics related to it such as magnetic fields, attractions…etc…

14 Dubuisson Hill Community
Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Class rules rap Our class rules are: Be respectful and responsible. Be organized and follow directions. Be considerate of others. Be prepared and on time.

15 Homework I will assign about 30 minutes of homework after each class. Sometimes it is more many times it is less. Your homework is due on the next class day. If you are having trouble on your homework, come in for help in the mornings or afternoons. I would love to help you.

16 Tardiness Class starts on time.
If you aren’t in your seat by the time the tardy bell rings, you will be counted tardy. If you are tardy four times, you will loose your exemptions…so be on time.

17 Laboratory Work We have lots of fun labs planned for this year!
We will be in the lab often this year. At least once a week. Remember to obey all lab safety rules.

18 Let’s Have a Great Year! Remember: Physics is Phun!

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