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13 Colonies Foldable Cover: Title “Comparing the Colonies”

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1 13 Colonies Foldable Cover: Title “Comparing the Colonies”
2nd Tab Label: “New England Colonies” 3rd Tab Label: “Middle Colonies” 4th Tab Label: “Southern Colonies” For each tab, give the following information (you may want to use a Tree Map to organize the information): Environment, Economy, People, Culture, and Drawbacks

2 13 Colonies Foldable (cont.)
Back Cover: Draw a rough outline of the 13 colonies, shading the 3 regions differently. Use Chapters 3 and 4 in your textbook for information. Focus on the period 1650s – 1750s (once colonies are past their beginnings)

3 Need to Know Info: This project is worth 100 homework points
25 pts. (Front/Back Cover) 25 pts. each (Northern, Middle, Southern) Accuracy, legibility and good faith effort is crucial! Colored pencils should be used as appropriate to the illustrations and decoration. Points may be deducted if in-class time is not used effectively. This completed project is due, start of class on Friday 8/4 or Monday, 8/7

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