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Adsorption and ion exchange

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1 Adsorption and ion exchange
TVM 4145 Vannrenseprosesser / unit processes Adsorption and ion exchange Prof. TorOve Leiknes

2 Definition: Process in which solute molecules (adsorbate) become attached to a solid surface (adsorbent) under the attracting influence of surface forces. It is primarily a surface phenomena

3 Adsorption processes in water treatment
Activated carbon most used in water treatment PAC: Powder activated carbon GAC: Granular activated carbon In Out GAC Sand 8 PAC

4 Adsorption processes:
Mass transport from bulk liquid phase to the surface of solid material. 1. Physical adsorption: Van der Waals forces Hydrogen binding Hydrophobic binding  T 2. Chemical adsorption: A A2  T A 3. Exchange adsorption:  T

5 Adsorption equilibrium:
adsorption rate  desorpsjon rate q C q = mass adsorbed weight of adsorbent Langmuir og Freundlich developed equilibrium isotherms

6  1-   = q/Qo KA(1-)C KA(1-)C = KD KD  (KA C+ KD) = KA C
Langmuir Isotherm (1916): Assumptions: 1. Given a set number of adsorption sites 2. Each site can only hold one molecule 3. All sites have the same binding energy 1-  = q/Qo At equilibrium: KA(1-)C KA(1-)C = KD KD  (KA C+ KD) = KA C

7 Substitute f and rewrite;
q C 1/C 1/q Freundlich Isoterm :

8 Adsorption kinetics: 1 Transport mechanisms: 2
3 4 Transport mechanisms: 1. convection in the bulk liquid 2. Molecular diffusion (film diffusion) 3. Pore diffusion 4. Adsorption rate In evaluating the adsorption mechanisms one must distinguish which of the respective transport mechanisms is limiting for the process.

9 Film diffusion: q C* Cb =0 Pore diffusion: Cb r r

10 Activated carbon: Surface area ca. 600-1500 m2/g Pore radius:
pyrolysis Pore radius: 1 nm to 25 nm 99% of surface area is inside the pore structure PAC - powder, d < 0,1 mm GAC - granular, d = 0,42 - 2,38 mm

11 Ion exchange Reversible exchange process of ions
Q, Co Q, C Reversible exchange process of ions between the liquid phase and a natural or artificial ion exchange media

12 Ion exchange media: Structure:
Matrix (polystyrene cross-linked with divinylbenzene) Structure: Gel media – varying degree of cross-linking where the matrix is filled with liquid Macro-porous media - structure has pores Isoporous media - uniform pore size Micro media - pulverized media

13 Exchange mechanisms: For example: Hardness removal No ion exchange
B- A- No ion exchange Ion exchange For example: Hardness removal

14 Equilibrium conditions:
Separation factor: NB! For exchange of ions with same charge the equilibrium constant and separation factor are the same

15 Selectivity: Ion exchange media will have different capacities based on the ions; Sulphonic media (-SO3-)  Fe+ > Al3+ > Ca2+ Carboxylate media (-COO-)  H+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ > Na+ The ion exchange media’s selectivity is derived by the equilibrium constant Where: X is fraction of ions in the respective phases

16 Ion exchange isotherms :
1.0 XA XB Ks>1 Ks<1

17 ”Break through” curves:
1.0 CB=0 CB= CBo Complete removal Partial removal 1. Temperature 2. Media size (diameter) 3. Rate of flow-through (Q) 4. Selectivity coefficient Factors that affect operation:

18 + Utnyttelsesgrad: Calculation: Utilization factor = CB/CBo CB/CBo
1.0 CB/CBo Calculation: 1.0 1.0 CB/CBo CB/CBo Utilization factor = +

19 Typical arrangement: Operation: Q : 16-50 m3/h.m2 QB QC0 QR
Regeneration: QB : m3/h.m2 tB : 20 min QR: 4 m3/h.m2 h > 0.8m QC QR QB

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