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Welcome to Primary 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Primary 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Primary 1

2 Settling into Primary 1 Label EVERYTHING please! Gym Days
P1a Miss Wylie – Thurs & Fri P1b Mrs Power/Mrs Dorby–Wed & Fri Library Days Friday (1A) Wednesday (1B) (Library books fit in homework bags) Water bottles - in class. Free access (apart from teaching time).

3 What learning looks like in Primary 1

4 Curriculum for Excellence Early Level
8 Core Curriculum Areas: Health and Wellbeing Literacy and English Numeracy and Maths Expressive Arts Religious and Moral Education Sciences Social Studies Technologies

5 Structure of P1 Timetable
Strong focus on Literacy & Numeracy Play based/active learning Structured activities Literacy and Numeracy across the Curriculum 1 plus 2 2 hours of P.E. Assembly

6 How will the children learn to read and write?
Reading Phonics Writing Handwriting

7 Reading Closely linked to phonics Dandelion Launchers/Readers
Coloured bands Skills for reading Comprehension skills Fiction & non fiction Books sent home once taught in class.

8 Teaching Reading Reading left to right How to ‘operate’ a book
Using blending/segmenting skills Picture/context clues Flashcards for high frequency words

9 Reading at Home Find somewhere quiet Read and re-read favourite books
Identify known sounds Play games Ask questions

10 Phonics Jolly Phonics Children learn letters of the alphabet
and the sounds the letters make (on their own or together) Each sound has a song and action Letters are taught in an order which helps word building Reinforced at home (flashcards and formation sheet)

11 Handwriting Letter Formation is taught alongside phonics
Lowercase taught initially, uppercase later Daily practise on whiteboards and through play Tracing in sand, shaving foam, rainbow writing etc.

12 The Writing Process Draw picture, teacher scribes……. Over-writing
Under-writing Copy from whiteboard Independent writing (word mat/word bank (sound out, have a go)

13 Story Writing Personal Writing- writing about a
personal experience (News) Imaginative writing – creating an imaginative story & characters Functional Writing – shopping list, letter, recipe, instructions

14 Helping with Writing at home
Encourage your child to: Draw and talk about what they have drawn Make notes (scribbles) Create stories from picture flashcards, copy write stories, make and write labels, shopping lists, cards etc

15 P1 Numeracy Interactive Mental Maths Songs / rhymes
Count forwards and backwards Number fans Repetition! Activities Sorting and matching Games, recording tasks Number formation

16 1 to 1 Correspondence Children are often able to count mechanically (rote counting) Children should be able to touch and count one at a time (1 to1 correspondence) Big emphasis on understanding quantities – just because a child can count to 8 doesn’t necessarily mean they know what ‘8’ is.


18 Mathematics Sorting /matching Shape –recognition (2D, 3D)
Patterns (real objects, pictures, symbols) Measure – length, weight, volume Positional language Time Money

19 Homework All children will be issued with a homework diary. Monday – Thursday Each night we will: Practice new sounds Blend sounds to make simple words Practice reading Once a week pupils will be issued with a homework task related to another subject area.

20 Parents’ Meetings First Parent’s Night – October Settling In Chat
Opportunity to see examples of learning Nothing should be a surprise!

21 Points to Remember First few weeks we go at children’s pace
Lots of active learning – don’t expect written work every day Homework levels will fluctuate over the year Keep us informed of changes in circumstance that may impact upon your child’s emotional state/ability to focus We are here to help!

22 Phonics/Reading Workshop
Wednesday 27th am All welcome

23 Keeping in Touch First point of call is class teacher (end of day or make an appointment). Mrs Dorby (Principal Teacher) Miss Moore (DHT) Mrs Reeves (HT) Follow us on Facebook! DreghornPrimarySchoolandEarlyYea rsClass

24 Any Questions?

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