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Rollout Review and Introduction to the NGSS Shifts

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Presentation on theme: "Rollout Review and Introduction to the NGSS Shifts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rollout Review and Introduction to the NGSS Shifts
Writing team acknowledgments: Toby Spencer, Kathy DiRanna

2 Agenda: Where Are You? Connections to the Learning Sequence -5 Es
-Shifts -CCSS 3 Dimensionality of NGSS -Mobius Strip Creation Reading the Standards -Creating PEs Planning An Instructional Unit

3 Before We Begin… Quickwrite
List 2 things you know for sure about the NGSS List 2 questions you have about the NGSS Share with table group

4 NGSS Implementation Pathway Model Stages
At what stage of implementation is your district? At what stage of implementation is your school? At what stage of implementation is your region? Developed by J. Spiegel, A. Quan, Y. Shimojyo Adapted partially from the work of Harold Pratt

5 How will you think and teach differently?
Current Middle Grades CA NGSS Adopted Standard Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells. Past 7th Grade Life Science CA Standard Students know plants and animals have levels of organization for structure and function, including cells, tissues, organs, organ systems and whole organism.

6 How did the Lesson Session differ from your previous teaching and learning experiences?
Think, Pair, Share What anchored the learning? What did the teacher do? What did the learners do?

7 The BSCS 5E Instructional Model
1. Engage: Students express prior knowledge 2. Explore*: Students “mess around” with the concepts 3. Explain*: Students explain what they know about the concepts 4. Elaborate: Students apply what they know about the concepts 5. Evaluate: Students demonstrate what they understand about the concepts * May be multiple stages How did the lesson address these stages of student centered learning?

8 Major Shifts in NGSS Phenomena-Based
Authentic science with real world interconnections Student-centered learning Standards build coherently through K-12 while incorporating engineering NGSS and Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are aligned Quickly run through bullets, eliciting connections to today’s lesson

9 Connections with The Common Core
Quickly read the list of practices/portraits. Code each practice/portrait with an: “S” for science & engineering “M” for mathematics “E” for English-Language Arts Discuss your coding with a partner. What did you notice?


11 What’s in a Logo? Core ideas in the discipline
(KNOW) Science and Engineering (DO) Concepts across disciplines (THINK)

12 Let’s Make Mobius Strips!

13 Mobius Maneuvers Draw a line along the length of your Mobius
Choose either a centered line or draw closer to one edge Cut down the line you drew until you return to the start What did you have after cutting? Describe your result What questions do you have? Pair with someone who cut a different pattern How do your results differ? Do you have Mobius strips now? How do you know? Using a new strip, try to create the NGSS triangle logo Use three colors to label the triangle Mobius logo of NGSS

14 What is 3-dimensional learning?
9:55 am

15 3 Dimensions of NGSS Science & Engineering Practices
Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas .3 min ( 2 min)

16 Dimension 1 Science and Engineering Practices
Asking questions (science) and defining problems (engineering) Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Analyzing and interpreting data Using mathematics and computational thinking Constructing explanations (science) and designing solutions (engineering) Engaging in argument from evidence Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information Pick one that’s unfamiliar

17 Science & Engineering Practices
Greater sophistication

18 Dimension 2 Crosscutting Concepts
Patterns Cause and effect Scale, proportion, and quantity Systems and system models Energy and matter Structure and function Stability and change

19 Crosscutting Concepts
Cause and Effect

20 Dr. Quin on CCC


22 Dimension 3- Disciplinary Core Ideas
Disciplinary Significance Explanatory Power Generative Relevant to Peoples’ Lives Usable from K to 12 Disciplinary Significance Has broad importance across multiple science or engineering disciplines, a key organizing concept of a single discipline Explanatory Power Can be used to explain a host of phenomena Generative Provides a key tool for understanding or investigating more complex ideas and solving problems Relevant to Peoples’ Lives Relates to the interests and life experiences of students, connected to societal or personal concerns Usable from K to 12 Is teachable and learnable over multiple grades at increasing levels of depth and sophistication

23 Disciplinary Core Ideas
Progression of PS1.A through K-12 Compare and contrast: Old standards to new progression. Ex: electricity—4th light bulb, 8th mentioned as e- energy, high school physics

24 Performance Expectations
--Dashes = PE Dots = DCIs Dashes--- 5-PS1-1; HS-PS1-5

25 PE Example 5-PS1-1 Develop a model to describe that matter is made of particles too small to be seen. [Clarification Statement: Examples of evidence could include adding air to expand a basketball, compressing air in a syringe, dissolving sugar in water, and evaporating salt water.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include atomic- scale mechanism of evaporation and condensation or defining the unseen particles.] With your neighbor, what do you notice about the PEs? Let’s talk numbering system Change to NGSS colors, possibly go online

26 Foundation Boxes SEP, DCI, CCC Parentheses at the end of each DCI, SEP, CCC indicate the related PE.

27 Connections within NGSS
and to CCSS ELA and Math

28 3 Dimensional Learning Analyze and interpret data to provide evidence for the effects of resource availability on the organisms and populations of organisms in an ecosystem

29 3 Dimensional Learning (Dissected)
Analyze and interpret data to provide evidence for the effects of resource availability on the organisms and populations of organisms in an ecosystem Analyze and interpret data to provide evidence for the effects of resource availability on the organisms and populations of organisms in an ecosystem Analyze and interpret data to provide evidence for the effects of resource availability on the organisms and populations of organisms in an ecosystem Analyze and interpret data to provide evidence for the effects of resource availability on the organisms and populations of organisms in an ecosystem

30 Building Performance Expectations
In groups of 3-4 people, take ONE card from EACH of the 3 envelopes You should have 1 Blue card: Science and Engineering Practice 1 Orange Card: Disciplinary Core Idea 1 Green Card: Cross Cutting Concept Place your cards in the order below and create a statement that blends the 3 dimensions. SEP DCI CCC

31 Performance Expectation Tasks
Think about a task(s) that students may need to accomplish in order to demonstrate all 3 dimensions of your new PE. Pull another blue card (SEP) and use it to create a new PE with the same DCI and CCC. Consider how the new SEP affects the type of task(s) a student may need to accomplish. Try it 1-2 times more SEP DCI CCC

32 How do YOU plan 3-D NGSS Units?

33 Phenomenon NGSS “Standard”

34 Science Practice (SEP)
Core Idea (DCI) Science Practice (SEP) Environmental Principles & Concepts Cross Cutting (CCC) Phenomenon

35 Brainstorm Cluster Map: Select a Phenomenon and generate concepts that students need to figure out the science of the phenomenon

36 Unpacking the Phenomenon Brainstorm
What DCIs will connect to this phenomenon? What CCCs could be employed during the investigation of this phenomenon? What SEPs could students reinforce during their investigation?

37 Brainstorm Cluster Map with DCI, SEP and CCC

38 Create a Storyline

39 Concept about the Phenomenon
Storyline #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Concept about the Phenomenon Anchor Phenomenon

40 Elementary Learning Sequence
Phenomenon: Balls roll down hill Objects move Force is a push or a pull Objects can be described in terms of their position The greater the force, the further the object moves Forces can make objects change directions Forces can make objects stop Ask questions Plan and Conduct Investigation Analyze and Interpret data Analyze and interpret data Construct an explanation Cause and Effect

41 Middle School Learning Sequence
Food contains matter and energy for living things in an ecosystem. Producers, consumers, decomposers are related. Decomposers help cycle matter (atoms) between living and nonliving parts of the ecosystem Matter cycles Matter is conserved; Energy flows Matter cycles and energy is transferred in any ecosystem as organisms interact with one another and with their environment Food webs are models of who eats who. Plants are primary source of matter Ask questions Models explanation Systems and system models Matter cycles and Energy Flow In Ecosystems

42 From Conceptual Flow to Preliminary Sequence to 5Es
5E Learning Sequence Select chunk from CF; complete preliminary sequence template using concepts and PQP and CCC charts, create 5 E—concept column first

43 Design the 5E Learning Sequence
What teachers are doing What students are doing Science Concepts (DCI, SEP, CCC) Use the concepts from the preliminary sequence to complete concept column

44 Backwards Mapping Use the SEP, CCC and DCI from the Preliminary Sequence Template to Identify What Teachers and Students Are Doing to Address the Concept What teachers are doing What students are doing Science Concepts (DCI, SEP, CCC)

45 Stay Informed For questions and comments on CA NGSS, email:
For background information on CA NGSS and resources visit: For background information on NGSS on the national level, visit: or Regional Contacts:

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