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Blood Spatter Analysis

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1 Blood Spatter Analysis
Or “Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation” Rupert Peers

2 Contents What is it? Blood Splatter More than just a drop?
Educational Requirements Equipment – Basic Equipment – Specific Right for you? The big picture What to expect Case 1 Case 2 Bibliography

3 What is it? Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation is the analysis of blood splatter to help determine if a crime was committed, and if the blood is evidence to that crime.

4 Blood Splatter Bloodstain evidence describes a lot about a crime, such as: How many people were involved Piecing together what took place Ruling out other types of crime Time the crime occurred Handedness of assailant Identifying the victim Determining who is responsible

5 More than just a drop? Blood spatter analysts can tell a lot from a single drop of blood. Experts can measure: The height from which the drop fell The bloods trajectory Speed at which blood was travelling

6 Educational Requirements
The Pre-requisites are a major in general forensic science, or at least a science related field. One must then: Pursue general study specific to blood spatter analysis Find an association with which you can do additional on-the- job training Enroll in blood pattern analysis training courses Apply to be a member of IABPA (International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation) Complete 40 hours of IABPA coursework

7 Equipment - basic Blood Splatter Analysts need to be familiar with these sorts of equipment: Forensic Comparison Microscopes Cameras Ultrasonic Cleaners Ultraviolet lamps Fume Enclosures

8 Equipment - Specific These are the tools commonly found in ‘Blood Splatter Kits’ Crime scene sticks, strings, magnets, linen testers, photo scales, mounting putty, plastic tweezers, tape measure, and a scientific calculator DNA comparison equipment

9 Right for you? “Blood Splatter Analysts need to have a keen eye to detail,” says Shanna Freeman. “Blood splatter analysis takes time and patience, but is very rewarding.” Beginning salary - 35,000 5 years or plus of exp. - 45,000 – 120,000

10 The big picture Blood splatter at a crime scene is concrete evidence, which proves very useful in the courtroom. It may be the easiest thing to overlook, but in the big picture it is a proven method of putting people behind bars. The DNA in blood links people to a place, as well as visually telling a story of its own on what unfolded.

11 What to expect Upon arriving at the crime scene, The Blood Spatter Analyst will first number and photograph each mark of what may be blood. Collecting samples of the blood is the second task – to verify that it is indeed human blood, and then to analyze the DNA for potential suspects. The size of droplets must be measured, and all sorts of other factors must be considered. It is a must for the person to pay high attention to detail.

12 Case 1 Expert: Blood spatter proves teen could not have murdered her parents A crime-scene expert told jurors Wednesday that a teen accused of gunning down her parents was not sprayed with blood, and therefore could not have pulled the trigger.

13 Case 2 OJ Simpson murder case
There is an enormous amount of DNA evidence pointing straight to Simpson. Blood of his targets were found on his socks, glove and car as well as bloody footprints that were most likely his. OJ was acquitted after a 9 month trial because there was reasonable doubt on how the DNA evidence was handled.

14 Bibliography laboratory-tools-and-equipment.html lab?_s=PM:LAW Case 1

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