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Year 6 Isle of Wight 1st June – 5th June 2015

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1 Year 6 Isle of Wight 1st June – 5th June 2015

2 The Lorron Hotel, 90 Sandown Road
Sandown, Isle of Wight PO36 9JX. ‎1-5th June 2015.

3 Questions and Answers Q: Which staff are going to the Isle of Wight? A: Mrs Barber (Year 6 teacher), Mrs Bromhead (Year 6 teacher), other adults to be arranged Q: Will children need additional pocket money? A: All children’s needs are catered for. We will be visiting sites of interest everyday however, where children can buy postcards, limited refreshments, pencils and souvenirs etc. We recommend £25 as a sensible amount to last pupils all week. It will be the pupils’ responsibility to look after their money, so it may be a good idea to split the £25 into amounts that can be spent each day (ie. 5x £5) and given in a named envelope. Money can be stored in the hotel safe when not being used. Q: What are your accommodation arrangements like? A: Boys and girls sleep separately in bunk beds or single beds in warm, comfortable rooms of between 3 and 5. Sheets, duvets and pillows are provided. The rooms have ensuite bathrooms, for washing and changing. Pupils will have chosen their sleeping groups in advance of the trip. Parent/ carer concerns can be addressed by seeing members of staff as named above. Q: What to do in case of an emergency. A:  In emergencies, then first port of call will be for parents/ carers to contact Felmore Primary School on the numbers listed within this pack. The school will then contact teachers to pass the message on.

4 Q: What care is available during the night?
A: Teachers are located just down the corridor from their pupils and will be ‘on call’ throughout the night as needed. A First Aider will be present on sites and when going out during the day. Q: When is bedtime? A: Children are supervised all evening before returning to their rooms at 10pm, at the latest. We have a tight itinerary , with many exciting activities, sleep will be important. Q: Will my child cope? A: All Felmore Primary staff and volunteers are trained to take responsibility for the well being of the children who are in their care. We strive to create a warm­ & supportive environment at all times. Q: What’s the food like? A: Breakfast, lunch & dinner are all created around food that children love to eat – but with health & nutrition foremost in mind. Pupils will be provided with breakfast and dinner at the hotel, and will take a packed lunch with them when going out for the day. Parent/ carer concerns about meals can be addressed by seeing members of staff as named above, before the trip. Q: Do children from different schools mix? Will members of the public be staying at the hotel? A: No. We have booked the hotel solely for the use of our pupils, there will not be any other pupils there or members of the public staying at the same time.

5 Q: What does my child need to bring?
A:  We try to help children look after their things, but items unavoidably will get lost or left behind. We therefore strongly recommend that you name all items of clothing – and provide your child with a packing list, so that he/she can check items back into their bag. Please see the kit list for items that will be required. Q: What should my child not bring to the Isle of Wight? A: Mobile phones, expensive cameras, electronic games, iPods or mp3 players, expensive or much-cherished jewellery, expensive clothing or shoes. Items will be confiscated if brought, and will not be returned until the end of the trip. The school will not be held responsible if items brought are lost, or damaged whilst away. Q: How secure is the hotel? A: Pupils are given a talk about Health and Safety and Fire Safety instructions on arrival at the hotel. There is provision for valuables to be locked away by staff. Dangerous or unsuitable items have been removed from pupils’ rooms. The hotel owners check the hotel nightly and remain on site and available at all times.

6 Q: What should parents do regarding illness/ medication?
A: We ask parents to be vigilant before your child’s trip to the Isle of Wight. If your child shows symptoms of illness please inform staff named above who can decide what would be best. Medications required to be kept cool, will be stored in a separate fridge accessible to staff at all times. Should a child become ill whilst away, parents will be contacted immediately. Pupils with medication will be supervised in taking the medication and parents will need to provide written instructions about how often the medication will need to be taken. Q: What will happen regarding pupils with persistent disruptive behaviour? A: Pupils displaying, persistent and disruptive behaviour will not be allowed to come to the Isle of Wight, and parents/ carers will be told if this is the case. The trip is not only educational but also a time for pupils to bond and have light relief after working hard all year. It would not be fair to allow disruptive pupils to spoil this for others, or for them to make the trip unsafe. Pupils displaying disruptive behaviour whilst away will be asked to stay in solitary rooms and away from others throughout the remainder of the trip.

7 Itinerary Monday 1st June – Journeying to IOW, Amazon World
Tuesday 2nd June – Osborne House, Newport Roman Villa, Waltzing waters Wednesday 3rd June – Fort Victoria, Aquarium + underwater centre, Alum Bay boat cruise + glass blowing demo, Circus skills. Thursday 4th June – Carisbrooke Castle, Blackgang Chine, party night at hotel. Friday 5th June – Wroxham Owl + Falconry Centre, journey back to school

8 Kit list Sturdy suitcase or travel bag with name and home address clearly marked to be packed in the boot of the coach 2 (at least) pairs of trousers/ jeans/ shorts/ skirts 2 shirts/ blouses 2 jumpers/ fleeces/ hoodies 3 (at least ) t-shirts Shoes + trainers – 1 comfortable pair for walking, flip flops for the beach, wellies for wet days Slippers/ slipper socks ( to wear indoors) Pairs of socks Underwear 2 plastic bin liners (one for dirty clothes, one for taking out for sitting on if the weather has been wet) Pyjamas/ nightshirts/ onesies 2 towels (inc. Beach Towel x1) washing kit + toiletries ( flannel, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc.) Roll on deodorant (aerosols can sometimes set off modern fire alarms) Stamps + addresses (for postcards to be sent home) Sun hat/ cap Feminine sanitary products as needed Torch (& spare batteries) Party clothes for the last night Hairdryer if needed (also available from the hotel reception)

9 Hand baggage - Needed on the coach journey and therefore not packed in the boot.
Small rucksack/ comfortable bag to carry Lunch box with a packed lunch for Monday – no fizzy drinks or glass bottles A named purse/ wallet Small activities for the coach journey (not electronic games or phones) Medicine (CLEARLY marked with name, address and dosage required – to be handed to a member of staff) Asthma pumps as needed Camera (ideally a disposable camera) Waterproof jacket, preferably with a hood. Travel sickness tablets, if needed Pocket money Pencil case, felt tips, colouring pencils etc. Sun tan lotion Tissues Water bottle

10 DO NOT BRING MOBILE PHONES ARE NOT TO BE BROUGHT ON THIS TRIP Hand held computer games iPods/ iPads Jewellery Items of sentimental value Chewing gum Hair straighteners (can cause a fire hazard if left unattended) Lots of makeup

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