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Standard IV Students.

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1 Standard IV Students

2 Not only this… But also this, for example… Description of recruitment activities List of criteria for admission Description of placement activities Table showing number of applications, acceptances, conditional acceptances with justifications IV.1 Recruitment, admission, financial aid, career services, and other policies match program mission.

3 IV.2 Program information available to public and students
Not only this… But also this, for example… Description of what and where information is communicated to constituents Links to online resources available to students and to the public. Copies of printed material about the program, its status, new developments, and changes. Copies of texts or videos of public presentations about the program. IV.2 Program information available to public and students

4 IV.3 Admission standards applied consistently
Not only this… But also this, for example… Published admissions standards. Policies for waiving published requirements. Number of admitted students for whom requirements were waived. Statistics for retention and time to degree for students admitted under various waivers and for regular admits. IV.3 Admission standards applied consistently

5 Not only this… But also this , for example… Advising policies and published course recommendations for various tracks. Examples of programs of study for a sample of students. Data from surveys of alumni on this topic. Student assessment of advising. Progress and retention data over several years. IV.4 Students construct coherent plans of study and receive systematic multi-faceted evaluation of achievements.

6 IV.5 Student participation in total learning experience
Not only this… But also this, for example… Lists of student organizations and activities. Descriptions of student organizations. Programs from student organization activities. Results of surveys on student attitudes on the total experience in program. IV.5 Student participation in total learning experience

7 Not only this… But also this, for example… List of student learning outcomes. List of ways individual learning is assessed. Examples of the use of these evaluations to enhance or improve the program. IV.6 Results of evaluation of student achievement inform program development

8 Not only this… But also this, for example… “The program uses direct and indirect measures…” Tables of direct and indirect measures used in evaluation of program and individual student learning outcomes. IV.7 Data substantiates evaluation of student learning outcomes with direct and indirect measures

9 Not only this… But also this, for example… “The program incorporates student learning evaluations in making curriculum decisions…” Minutes of meetings where evaluations informed curriculum or other committees toward improvement of the program. Descriptions of decisions made with evaluation data. IV.8 Results of student learning evaluation used to improve program and plan

10 Suggestions for Standard IV documentation
Use graphics to represent process Give concrete examples Use tables to organize information Use timelines to illustrate process Suggestions for Standard IV documentation

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