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Starter Task: Five Factors There are five main factors that affect our speech. What are they? 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

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Presentation on theme: "Starter Task: Five Factors There are five main factors that affect our speech. What are they? 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter Task: Five Factors There are five main factors that affect our speech. What are they?
1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

2 Learning Objective: R.AF2- To investigate character talk.
Good: To understand the factors behind talk. Great: To find differences in character talk in the text. Even Better: To apply these words in our own writing. Language for Learning: investigate, factors, apply

3 1.) Accent 2.) Age 3.) Pitch 4.) Gender 5.) Pace Five Factors
Good: To understand the factors behind talk. Five Factors 1.) Accent 2.) Age 3.) Pitch 4.) Gender 5.) Pace

4 Our Characters 1.) Accent 2.) Age 3.) Pitch 4.) Gender 5.) Pace
1.) Accent 2.) Age 3.) Pitch 4.) Gender 5.) Pace So far in this story we the three characters we have met in this story are Mr Tom, William and the Billeting Officer. For each one, I want you to quickly fill out these factors about THE WAY YOU THINK THEY TALK. For an extension task, write down an example of a sentence you think they would say, and the way they would say it.

5 Great: To find differences in character talk in the text.
Mr Tom Good: Find words in the text that they use that show us he talks. “Ent”. Great: Explain what these words mean. “Ent”- This is Mr Tom’s way of saying “haven’t”. Even Better: Write an example sentence of your own. He would say “I ent got any milk left”. AfL: Students smiley face their own work and a peer’s. Then we collect a bank of Mr Tom’s vocabulary together and place it on the next slide. Three smiley faces go here.

6 Mr Tom’s Talk…

7 Our “Mr Tom” Story. In Chapter 2, Tom read William the story of Noah’s Ark in his own words. For the last exercise, we are going to re-write the story of Noah’s Ark in the way Tom would say it, using the words we identified. Good: Identify words you could use in the story (with Miss). “Ole”- One day, ole Noah was minding his own business, then… Great: Re-write bits of the story in full sentences. Even Better: Re-write the story in a small paragraph. There are help sheets available here if you need one! AfL: Students perform their finished stories in character.

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