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Roots of European / Anglo-American Music

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1 Roots of European / Anglo-American Music
Multicultural America Music 35

2 European Map

3 The History of Anglo/European Music
Interaction began long before colonizing Europeans had sporadic visits to the North American Continent. European Fisherman and Whalers traded and interacted with Native American . Europeans established a colony “Roanoke” on an island of the North Carolina Coast in 1585 In 1587 hundreds of colonists were replaced, only to disappear without a trace In 1607, the first English settlement survived in Jamestown, Virginia

4 Organized into 3 Main Categories
Religious Music – religious practice Classical Music – music of the middle and upper- class Popular Music – music created for all people regardless of of social position

5 Instrumentation Early folk songs commonly utilized monophonic texture.
Simple arrangements of sustained or repeated notes with a melody. Later folk songs added Harmonies these harmonies were generally accompanied by the: Guitar and Banjo The most popular instrument used mostly for dancing was the: Fiddle

6 Form and Texture The most common folk song form is the strophic, in which the various stanzas of text are set to the same music. Popular stanzas consists of four lines of text, sometimes all different. (ABCD) Frequently incorporating some level of repetition ( AABA, AABC, AABA, etc.)

7 Types of Folk Song Ballads – tell a story and are the most popular
“Barbara Allen” Lyrics – convey a particular feeling or mood “Careless Love” Work Songs – originated as songs to work by “I’ve Been Working On The Railroad” Children’s Songs – simple songs sung by and for children “Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star”

8 “Barbara Allen” (Song)
One of the most famous traditional ballad Published in the 17th century (earliest known) Originated in England and Scotland Immigrants introduced it to the United States The famous story A young man lies dying for the love of Barbara Allen Servants summon her to his bedside to comfort his sorrow, but all she does is scorn him He leaves her and inheritance before dying Church bells of the funeral fill her with regrets She dies of heartbreak too They are buried beside one another

9 Evolution and Popular Artist
Jean Ritchie Pete Seeger next=1&list=PLE108EABC0BBC15FB&feature=results _main Johnny Cash

10 The Music What can you hear and see?
1st – “authentic” rural version, flexible, free rhythm 2nd – steady beat with the guitar, drop beats 3rd – modern, full band

11 Best Known!!!

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