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Hamlet Theme Quote issues

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1 Hamlet Theme Quote issues
1. Poor quote selection, “He hath, my Lord, of late made many tenders of his affection to me.” There is no metaphor, personification, simile etc. in this quote. All you can do is restate this quote in more plain language: He has given me many tokens of his love.” This is not analyzing; this is restating. 2. Great quotes with very poor or no analysis. “”Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love.” Analysis: Hamlet is telling Ophelia not to doubt his love.” OMGosh!!! Doubt as repetition, why? Truth personified, why? Sun, stars, fire, why these bright celestial objects? 3. BAD context: “He is talking to the ghost.” Who is talking? What ghost? Where did the ghost come from?

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