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SIEC Executive Board Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "SIEC Executive Board Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 SIEC Executive Board Meeting
October 1, 2014

2 Welcome Sponsors True Champion Consulting, LLC
Kent Kent Benson, President/CEO David Weddell, C.O.O. Pgi – TCC Solution Partners Shawn Harrel Dexter Cameron Welcome

3 Approval of Minutes

4 Served in summer school—Pre K (3 yr. olds)– 12th graders—86 students
Served in evening classes—Grades 4-OSY—37 students CTE Certificates—Construction—2 students Received HS Credit—2 students Total Numbers Served from 0-OSY individuals Now, its time to plan for next year. Updates - Migrant

5 Updates - Migrant Sites for Summer Session 2014
Vincennes School Corporation Oaktown – Church/Mobile Classroom Carlisle Elementary Vincennes University Sites currently for after-school remediation Vincennes Carlisle North Knox Princeton Updates - Migrant


7 Update - Migrant JudyBueckert $ 12,600.00 Amy Gonnerman 7,500.00
Chadd Smith                                       3,750.00                                                                                                                     $23,850.00   Update - Migrant

8 ESC Indiana CCR PD Good participation
LOTS of NEW learning taking place Well received… ESC Indiana CCR PD

9 Updates SIEC Curriculum Consortium
Round # 1– 10 districts Round # 2 – 2 districts Total of 14 days of Learning and Creating Rigorous Curriculum Design. Updates SIEC Curriculum Consortium

10 Updates – Changes in E-Rate

11 Career Ready Students November 12, 2014
Southern IN Career and Technical Center 8:00 – 11:30 Central Time Career Ready Students

12 Panel Questions/ Dr. Stone
How are companies/schools dealing with the problems and issues regarding workforce development and creating a pipeline of qualified employees?  What is the role of educators, (high school and technical programs)in developing a pipeline of career ready employees candidates? What help do high school superintendents need to make this happen?  How can manufacturers and educators work together to foster partnerships that result in career ready employees? The goal of the discussion is to continue the conversation about building the perfect system so that all young people that start a secondary education can move on to a productive and effective career.

13 Richard Rolls - rroll@doe. in. gov Wendy Wells - wwells@doe. in
Richard Rolls - Wendy Wells - Currently in training for the next two weeks, then in the field. They have been invited to next months Ex Board Meeting IDOE Outreach

14 Personnel Recommendation
Director of Learning Recommendation DeAnne Mayfield We had two viable candidates Attributes of our selection Currently employed North Daviess Director of Bands Administrator’s license SIEC Curriculum Director’s Certification Showed great potential for growth Personnel Recommendation

15 Adjourn & Roundtable

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