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Biochemistry Department
Glycolysis By Dr. Wael Elayat
By the end of this lecture You will be able to:
Intended Learning Outcomes By the end of this lecture You will be able to: Define glycolysis. Understand all the steps involved in glycolysis. Be able to calculate the energy yield. Know the other substrates for glycolysis. Understand the differences that exist in glycolysis in certain tissues. Explain how glycolysis is controlled Enumerate different functions of glycolysis Explain manifestations of pyruvate kinase deficiency
(Embden- Meyerhof cycle)
Glycolysis (Embden- Meyerhof cycle) Definition: Oxidation of glucose for energy production. Site? (Compartmentation)” Cytoplasm of all cells and tissues
When? It is an emergency cycle occurring All the time depending on:
1- Availability of substrate 2- Energy state of the cell So it could be inhibited In: 1- The high energy state i.e. ( ATP ) . 2-Presence of alternative source of energy (as indicated by high level of citrate) 3- Absence of substrate (Starvation)
Out comes??? Pyruvate in cells with mitochondria &
of adequate supply of oxygen. Lactate in cells with No mitochondria “RBCs” & Inadequate oxygen supply “Exercising muscles” .
Tissues Dependent On Glycolysis
Brain: Dependent on glucose as primary source of fuel (rapid source of ATP) RBC: Dependent on glucose for energy production. Lack mitochondria (No FA oxidation, No TCA, No ETC) (So It depends on glycolysis) Exercising Muscles (sever exrcise): Anaerobic condition (No O2)…..(No ETC)
(No FA oxidation, No TCA, No ETC) (So thy depend on glycolysis)
Other tissues: (anaerobic tissue) Cornea, lens, retina, testes, white muscle fiber, renal medulla and white blood cells Dependent on glucose (as RBCs) for energy production. Lack mitochondria (No FA oxidation, No TCA, No ETC) (So thy depend on glycolysis)
Reactions of glycolysis
Pass through 2 phases Preparatory Phase (1st 5 steps). Payoff Phase (Last 5 steps). Or 3 stags 1- Priming stage (1st 3 steps). 2- Splitting stage (4th step). 3- Oxidative phosphorylation stage (Rest of steps)
Preparatory Phase (Energy Consuming phase) It involves 5 steps
Phosphorylation of glucose
Hexokinase or glucokinase (hepatic isomer of hexokinase)
CH2- OH Glucose CH2O- P Glucose-6-P Hexokinase Mg++ ATP ADP
Significance of phosphorylation of glucose?
1-To Trap the Glucose inside the cell
-Ve Phosphate Group &–Ve Charge Of Cell Membrane → Repulsion !! 2- Maintain glucose concentration always low inside the cell
Phospho hexo Isomerase
Hexose-Isomerase Phospho hexo Isomerase
Phospho Fructo kinase PFK- I
Aldolase A Aldolase A Remember : Aldolase B !!
F-6-P =O ↔ P P P Isomerase Glucose G-6-P F1-6-b P CH2- OH CH2O - P
ATP Kinase CH2O - P G-6-P Isomerase F-6-P CH2O - P ATP Kinase F1-6-b P CH2O - P O - P ↔ P =O DHAP G3 -P P P Glyceraldehyde 3-P Isomerase
Payoff Phase (Energy Producing phase) It involves 5 steps
G3P Dehydrogenase
Phospho glycerate kinase
Phospho glycerate Mutase (Late)
Pyruvate Kinase
Lactate dehydrogenase (anaerobic glycolysis)
Biological Importance Of Glycolysis
Energy production Anaerobic glycolysis Gain 4 ATP by substrate level phosphorylation and loss 2 ATP for activation. So net gain is 2 ATP Aerobic glycolysis Gain 4 ATP by substrate level and 6 ATP by oxidative phosphorylation (from oxidation of 2 NADH+H in electron transport chain in mitochondria), and loss 2 ATP for activation. So net gain is 6 ATP
Mechanism of energy production
1- Substrate level phosphorylation Production of ATP directly from the reaction 2- Oxidative phosphorylation Production of ATP from oxidation of reduced equivalent in electron transport chain (ETC).
2- Synthesis of 2,3 BPG Some of the 1, 3 BPG is converted to (2,3-BPG) by the action of ↔ bisphosphoglycerate mutase . 2,3-BPG, is found in only trace amounts in most cells & in high concentration in RBCs. 2,3-BPG is hydrolyzed by Phosphatase Enzyme → 3-PG, which is also an intermediate in glycolysis.
Glycolysis in Red cells (RL-cycle Or Shunt) (Rapaport - Lubering cycle )
Importance Of 2,3 BPG in RBCs
It ↓ the affinity of hemoglobin for O2 → facilitate the release of O2 to the tissues (protect against hypoxia).
3- Synthetic function glycolysis can be used for synthesis of other compounds, such as : DHAP → Glycerol 3 P (for TAG synthesis in adipose tissue) Non-essential amino acid alanine (as serine from PSP and alanine from pyruvate).
Inhibitors of glycolysis (Arsenate)
Arsenate (pentavalent) ↓ net ATP and NADH production in glycolysis, without inhibiting the pathway itself. By competing with Pi
Phosphoglycerate kinase
G3P Dehydrogenase NAD NADH + H Pi G3P D Mg++ Phosphoglycerate kinase
G3P Dehydrogenase NAD NADH + H AS G3P Dehydrogenase Pi
(Arsenate) Act as a substrate for G3P D forming an unstable compound that spontaneously hydrolyzes forming 3-PG without ATP !!!!!!!!!!!! by passing 1 ,3-BPG synthesis & dephosphorylation this will deprive the cell of an ATP obtained by G3PD.
Inhibitors of glycolysis (Fluoride)
Fluride in the tooth paste inhibit the activity of Enolase Enzyme So it can inhibit glycolysis in bacteria So tooth past can prevent the teeth decay!!
Regulation Of Glycolysis
All the 3 Irreversible Enzymes
Regulatory enzymes All the 3 Irreversible Enzymes Glucokinase (Hexokinase) PFK 1 Pyruvate kinase
Long Term Regulation Slow hormonal influences on the amount of enzyme protein synthesized ……In the well fed state glucose is high → insulin & Glucagon glucose utilization is enhanced & ↑in the amount of Glucokinase (not hexokinase). (↑gene transcription) in liver
Glucokinase (Long term)
Glucokinase is induced in well fed state this allows control of glucose level especially after meals since it has a high Km.
Glucokinase also controlled indirectly by fructose 6 phosphate and glucose.
1-In presence of fructose 6 phosphate, glucokinase trans located to the neculus and bind to glucokinase regulatory protein and thus the enzyme will be inactive. 2- In presence of high blood glucose, glucoknase reenter cytoplasm and become active.
Hexokinase (Allosteric)
even when its concentration is low
a constitutive Enzyme (Not induced) Deal with glucose even when its concentration is low V. Important for brain (Low Km)!! Allosterically stimulaed by ATP/ADP Allosterically Inhibited by G6-P
Student activity Compare and contrast between hexokionase and glucokinase?
PFKI (Allosteric)
Allosterically activated by : 1- AMP 2- Fructose 2,6 bisphosphate (potent activator) Allosterically Inhibited by: 1- ATP 2- High level of citrate 3- Low pH
Source of F 2,6 bisphosphate
Fructose 2,6 bisphosphate is a product of action of a hepatic enzyme called PFK-2 on fructose 6 phosphate.
Is a bifunctional enzyme
PFK2 Is a bifunctional enzyme It has both kinase and phosphatase activity, The balance between them determines the level of fructose 2,6 bisphosphate and hence control Rate of glycolysis in cells.
PFKII (Covalent)
(Bifunctional enzyme)
The activity of this (Bifunctional enzyme) is controlled by covalent modification (phosphorylation-dephosphorylation) in response to insulin/glucagons ratio. .
(Allosteric & Covalent)
PK (Allosteric & Covalent)
Allosteric Regulation Of PK
Allosteric stimulation of PK In liver by (AMP and F 1,6-bp ) Allosteric Inhibition of PK In liver by ATP
In Fasting it is inactivated by
Pyruvate kinase In Fasting it is inactivated by Kinase (Phosphorylation) → inactivation in the liver.
In well fed state is Activated by
Pyruvate kinase In well fed state is Activated by Phosphatase (Dephosphorylation) → activation in the liver.
Hormonal regulation of glycolysis
1- Short term regulation: Hormone can momentary control rate of glycolysis (in time of minutes and hours) by covalent modification. In well feed state where insulin/glucagon ratio is high, this favor dephosphorylation and activation of pyruvate kinse and PFK-2 kinase activity (with increased production of F2,6 BP and increased rate of glycolysis. In fasting state: typically the reverse.
2- Long term regulation Hormones can also control rate of glycolysis over long period of time (hours or days), by inducing (increase amount) of enzymes of glycolysis. In well feed state, key regulatory enzymes of glycolysis (glucokinase, PFK-1 and PK) will be induced under influence of high insulin level and this will increase rate of glycolysis.
Inborn error of glycolysis 1- Pyruvate kinase deficiency
Nature: Autosomal recessive disorder Clinical picture: The patient will be presented by symptoms of hemolytic anemia Anemia + jaundice
Cause of hemolysis of RBCs in PK deficiency
Pyruvate kinase deficiency → Impaired glycolysis in RBCs with no ATP production →→ Loss of Na/K pump activity →→ Dehydration of RBCs →→ Hemolysis and heme breakdown →→ High levels of bilirubin (mainly indirect)
N.B.: 1- The symptoms of anemia in PK deficiency will be ameliorated by the high level of accumulated 2,3 BPG which increase delivery of oxygen to the cells. 2- Explain why the liver has not been affected by this enzyme deficiency.
1- Fate of end product of glycolysis
1- Fate of end product of anaerobic glycolysis A- Fate of NADH+H+: - As the cell has a limited amount of NAD, so NADH+H+ must be reoxdized to resynthesize NAD. In absence of mitochondria and/or oxygen NADH+H+ is reoxdized by converting pyruvate to lactate
B- Fate of lactate Diffuse out of anaerobic tissue cowith H+ to blood, then pass to liver where it will converted to glucose and go back to muscle. This cycle of lactate to glucose and then to lactate is known as Cori cycle and will be discussed in detail with gluconeogenesis.
Cori Cycle Lactate Glucose
2- Fate of end products of aerobic glycolysis:
A- Fate of NADH+H+: - As the cell has a limited amount of NAD, so NADH+H+ must be reoxdized to resynthesize NAD. Reoxidation of NAD occur in mitochondria in ETC. But the mitochondrial membrane impermeable to NADH+H+ NADH+H+ enter to mitochondria through one of shuttles across the mitochondrial membrane (Glycerol phosphate shuttle OR malate aspartate shuttle which will be discussed latter)
B- Fate of pyruvate Converted to acetyl CoA by pyruvate dehydrogenase complex enzyme to be completely oxdized to CO2, H2O with production of more energy in TCA cycle.
Summary Of Important Points
Glycolysis is either : Aerobic glycolysis, in which pyruvate is the end product (need O2 & mitochondria), Anaerobic glycolysis, in which lactic acid is the end product. ( does not need O2 or mitochondria). Glucose is transported across membranes by one of at least 14 glucose transporter iso-forms (GLUTs). The conversion of glucose to pyruvate (glycolysis) occurs in 2 stages: Energy consuming phase in which phosphorylated intermediates are synthesized at the expense of ATP, and Energy producing phase, in which ATP is produced. The 1st enzyme used with glucose is either Hexokinase (found in most tissues) or Glucokinase (a hexokinase found in liver cells and the β cells of the pancreas).
Questions to assess the ILOs
Choose the best answer: 1- Hexokinae enzyme: Is the hepatic isoenzyme of glucokinase enzyme Utilize Pi for trapping of glucose Need Ca2+ as cofactor Convert glucose to glucose 6 P Non of the above
2- Insulin can increase rate of glycolysis by:
Induction of hexokinase enzyme Covalent activation of PFK-1 Indirect allosteric activation of PFK-1 Decreasing amount of fructose 2,6BPG Activation of PFK-2 kinase part
3- Glycolysis in RBCs: Is an aerobic type of glycolysis End by pyruvate Can supply RBCs with net 4 molecules of ATP Can be controlled by induction of glucokinase End by lactate
Questions to assess the ILOs
Answer these questions PLZ… Define: site, input, output & irreversible enzymes of glycolysis Compare between Hexokinase & glucokinase enzymes Differentiate between aerobic & aerobic glycolysis as regard the: O2 supply, net ATP consumption & production, one example for both Define tissues that are dependent on anaerobic glycolysis & why ?!!
Explain the mechanism of action of toothpaste !
List the name of the 2 enzymes of glycolysis that are vital for RBCS as regard ATP production. Explain the mechanism (enzymes used & substrates) of production of 2,3 BPG & its importance? Explain the mechanism of action of toothpaste ! Explain the mechanism of action of Arsenic poisoning. explain how lactic acid can be used by our body . List 4 points importance of glycolysis (only) Explain the regulatory mechanisms used in glycolysis as regard: types & enzymes regulated . Dr. Amal Mansour
Thank you Dr. Wael Elayat
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