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Building Capacity for State Science Education

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Presentation on theme: "Building Capacity for State Science Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Capacity for State Science Education
Next Steps in Support of States

2 First… Thank you!

3 Continue to foster collaborations:
Nation building for messaging Explore and produce exemplar videos Practices CCC STEM as part of the framework CTE workforce development Aligned content with STEM subjects College & Career readiness Develop research questions Teacher prep with framework Non-lead state perspective Lessons learned from the implementation

4 Why Wait? What are the specific tools we need right now?
Create opportunities for states to work collaboratively Geographic region? Lead states? Small group prior to September - ASAP What are the specific tools we need right now? Create a timeline for tools release based upon the need. Build a materials evaluation tool based on Framework. Put finishing touches on tools March at CSSS?

5 Other Suggestions BCSSE Page on the CSSS webpage
How do we actually collaborate and communicate with other states Consider conferences and how do we get the vision of the Framework BCSSE forward

6 Next Conference Sharing successes from states…create a vehicle for that sharing Professional Development Political awareness how to get the right people to promote the work Build breakouts based think alike groups (i.e. business, informal) Embrace informal educators in the next conference.

7 Final Thoughts Thank you, once again to our sponsors
Burroughs Wellcome, NCSMT, Merck Institute for Science Education, GlaxoSmithKline, SAS, and Keenan Fellows Thank you to the audio visual team – To Lori Hedrick and Nicole Paulson To Brett Moulding and Jean Moon To all the presenters

8 To all of you! For your hard work
Most Importantly To all of you! For your hard work For your passion for science and engineering For your energy And for remembering…

9 It’s about the kids! All kids!!!

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