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Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory™

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1 Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory™
Novell BrainShare 2002 Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory™ Bruce Bergeson Software Engineer Novell, Inc. DCB 201—Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory

2 Vision…one Net Mission
A world where networks of all types—corporate and public, intranets, extranets, and the Internet—work together as one Net and securely connect employees, customers, suppliers, and partners across organizational boundaries Mission To solve complex business and technical challenges with Net business solutions that enable people, processes, and systems to work together and our customers to profit from the opportunities of a networked world


4 Deployed Versions Novell eDirectory™ and Novell Directory Services® (NDS)
Product Version Build Version Platforms NetWare 5.1 SP4 (NDS 7) DS.nlm v7.57 NetWare 5.1 NetWare 5.1 SP 4 (NDS 8) DS.nlm v8.79 eDirectory 8 DS.nlm & DS.dlm v8.79 NetWare 5.0,Win NT/2K eDirectory 8.5.x DS v85.23 NetWare 5.x,Win,Solaris NetWare 6 (eDirectory 8.6) DS.nlm v NetWare 6 eDirectory 8.6.1 DS v NW 5.1,NW 6,Win,Solaris,Linux NetWare 6 SP1 (eDirectory 8.6.2) DS.nlm v eDirectory 8.6.2 DS v103xx.xx eDirectory 8.7 DS v10410.xx NW 5.1,NW 6,Win,Solaris,Linux,AIX

5 Differences Between eDirectory and Novell NDS®
Novell BrainShare 2002 Differences Between eDirectory and Novell NDS® NDS eDirectory NOS directory focused on managing NetWare servers A cross-platform, scalable, standards-based directory used for managing identities that span all aspects of the network—eDirectory is the foundation for eBusiness NetWare 5 NetWare NetWare 6 DCB 201—Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory

6 Agenda Web application concepts eCommerce beans concepts LDAP beans
Novell BrainShare 2002 Agenda Web application concepts eCommerce beans concepts LDAP beans Security beans Deploying eCommerce beans DCB 201—Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory

7 Web Application Concepts
Target web clients Internet Explorer, Navigator, etc. Employ web application servers Tomcat, WebLogic, WebSphere, etc. Use standard Internet protocols HTTP, LDAP, WebDAV, IPP, etc. Utilize existing applications and data Directories, databases, etc.

8 Web Application Servers
Novell BrainShare 2002 Web Application Servers Hubs of the eBusiness application Process requests from clients Orchestrate access to business logic and data Return dynamic web pages Provide programming, data access, and application integration services DCB 201—Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory

9 A WebSphere Application
Novell BrainShare 2002 A WebSphere Application Tomcat webapps ecb .JSP .HTML Web Application JSP ldap JSP Servlet security Servlet Servlet Images .GIF Servlet web-inf JSP compiler classes lib .JAR DCB 201—Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory

10 Web Pages Starting point for web applications Composed of HTML
Novell BrainShare 2002 Web Pages Starting point for web applications Composed of HTML ASCII text files Static and/or dynamic content DCB 201—Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory

11 Servlets Reusable Java server components
Novell BrainShare 2002 Servlets Reusable Java server components Written using Java programming language Handle HTTP/HTTPS requests and responses Typically serve dynamic web pages Inherit Java’s built-in security features DCB 201—Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory

12 JavaServer Pages (JSPs)
Novell BrainShare 2002 JavaServer Pages (JSPs) Extension to the Java servlet specification Dynamically compiled into a servlet Supports HTML- and XML-like tags Enables separation of application logic from page design May call other Java components DCB 201—Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory

13 Web application server
Novell BrainShare 2002 How JSPs Work Web browser Request Result JSP source Web application server JSP parser Java source Web page (HTML) Servlet Java compiler DCB 201—Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory

14 Standard JSP Tags JSP directives Declarations Implicit objects
Novell BrainShare 2002 Standard JSP Tags JSP directives Messages to JSP engine directive {attribute=“value”}* %> Page language, include files, and taglib Declarations <%! declaration %> Implicit objects <% …java code… %> <% out.println(“<b>hello world</b>”); %> DCB 201—Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory

15 Standard JSP Tags Bean Scriptlets Expressions
Novell BrainShare 2002 Standard JSP Tags Bean <jsp:useBean id =“”…> </jsp:usebean> Scriptlets <% valid_code_fragment %> Java code makes up body of generated “method” Expressions <%= expression %> Expression evaluated and result converted to string DCB 201—Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory

16 Java Beans Self-contained, reusable software components
Novell BrainShare 2002 Java Beans Self-contained, reusable software components Written using Java programming language Adhere to the JavaBeans specification Expose properties, methods and events DCB 201—Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory

17 eCommerce Beans Concepts
Use open protocols Are written entirely in Java Have no dependencies on native code Use the Model-View-Controller (MVC) and the Command design patterns

18 JSP/servlet beans (controller)
Novell BrainShare 2002 MVC Architecture JSP/servlet beans (controller) MVC Command beans (model) Format beans (view) DCB 201—Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory

19 Command Beans Java bean that encapsulates a single business logic task
Novell BrainShare 2002 Command Beans Java bean that encapsulates a single business logic task Provides a stable boundary between the business logic and user interface Allows business logic to evolve without disrupting the rest of the web application Can be serialized and distributed DCB 201—Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory

20 LDAP Beans Integrate web applications with LDAP directories
JNDI LDAP Provider Commands to allow LDAP directory manipulation Authentication Contextless login Read/write directory access SSL security

21 Security Beans Integrate web applications with Java security
Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) Provide easy-to-use Java components Simple manipulation of security providers Retrieval of X.509 certificates from a remote host Update Java keystores

22 Deploying eCommerce Beans
Check system requirements You need a system configured with the following to use the eCommerce Beans Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, v1.2 or greater You also need access to an LDAP directory eDirectory version 8.5 or greater recommended eDirectory version 8.0 or greater iPlanet Directory Server version 4.1 or greater The beans are designed for a web application on an application server (that is, Tomcat* 3.3 on NetWare 6.0) However, an application server is optional

23 Deploying eCommerce Beans (cont.)
Install the JNDI LDAP Provider The eCommerce LDAP beans require the JNDI Class Libraries and the LDAP Service Provider This software is included in the Java 2 SDK, v1.3 However, if you are using the Java 2 SDK, v1.2, follow these steps to install the software as an installed extension: Download and uncompress the JNDI Class Libraries and the LDAP Service Provider from the JNDI Web site Copy the libraries (JNDI.JAR, LDAP.JAR, PROVIDERUTIL.JAR) from both packages to JAVA\lib\ext directory, where JAVA is the Java Runtime home (for example, sys:\java or c:\jdk1.2.2\jre)

24 Deploying eCommerce Beans (cont.)
Install the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) package The eCommerce Security Beans require Sun’s JSSE package An implementation of JSSE is also required when using TLS/SSL with the eCommerce LDAP Beans To install Sun’s implementation of JSSE Download and uncompress the JSSE software from the JSSE web site Copy the library (JSSE.JAR) from the package to JAVA\lib\ext directory, where JAVA is the Java Runtime home (for example, sys:\java or c:\jdk1.2.2\jre)

25 Deploying eCommerce Beans (cont.)
Configure security If you are not going to use a TLS/SSL connection, you must enable clear-text passwords by doing the following Run ConsoleOne® and select your default container under the eDirectory tree Right-click on the LDAP Group object and select Properties On the General tab, mark "Allow Clear Text Passwords"

26 Deploying eCommerce Beans (cont.)
Install the eCommerce beans Download and install the eCommerce beans software from the eCommerce Beans web site Modify the Java classpath Add the following libraries to your classpath ECB.JAR ECBLDAP.JAR ECBSECURITY.JAR By default, these libraries are found on NetWare in the sys:\java\ecb\lib directory and on Windows in the c:\novell\java\ecb\lib directory

27 Deploying eCommerce Beans (cont.)
Import the packages You need to import the following packages into your Java source code com.novell.ecb.* com.novell.ecb.ldap.** Validate the deployment You can partially validate your deployment by modifying the properties, compiling, and executing the following Java class (this example assumes that you completed Step 4) (See next slide)

28 Executing the Java Class
import com.novell.ecb.*; import com.novell.ecb.ldap.*; class TestECB { public static void main(String[] args) throws CommandException { // Instantiate the command bean AuthenticateLdap bean = new AuthenticateLdap(); // Set the input properties of the command bean bean.setURL("ldap://host"); bean.setDN("cn=admin, o=novell"); bean.setPassword("password"); / Call the execute method of the command bean bean.execute(); // Success statement System.out.println("Authentication Succeeded!"); } }

29 Execution Steps/Lab Work
Novell BrainShare 2002 Execution Steps/Lab Work JSP/servlet Instantiates command bean Sets the input properties of the command bean Calls the execute method Queries output properties of the command bean Generates dynamic HTML content DCB 201—Integrating Web Applications with Novell eDirectory


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