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Developing the “whole” cheerleader through effective coaching

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Presentation on theme: "Developing the “whole” cheerleader through effective coaching"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing the “whole” cheerleader through effective coaching

2 Define success “The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.” –Eriksson Why are you a coach? What do you do? And How do you do it?

3 Define success cont…. 23 sec
Have them set goals, determine what they want to achieve Competition will probably be a portion of this but should not define it.

4 Show you care They don’t care what you know, until they know you care!!! Do your cheerleaders know what you believe and why you do what you do? How do your daily actions demonstrate what you believe?

5 Academics SAT/ACT GPA Counseling Credits
Communication with other teachers

6 Fun, Structured, Organized & Flexible
Sleepover, team bowling, paint ball, laser tag Scavenger hunt to learn information about campus Swim party (Break at the lake) Younger children camp (Raider Round-Up) Pictures in next presentation

7 Give them ownership Responsibilities/ jobs (Sign holder, Line leader, Team Introductions, Stretching)

8 Discipline Fair, Firm and consistent.
Don’t worry about being their friend they have 2, 583 friends Facebook. Have Seniors review the rules with the team. Insist on good communication. Do not allow them to convey “feelings” through texting or .

9 Traditions Team Break Little Sally Walker, Peel the banana
Big Sister/Little Sister Homecoming Scoring Candy Bags Stretching

10 Life Skills Be a positive coach. Your mind works in pictures… tell them what you WANT… insist that they say OK (or even better Yes ma’am). Teach your TEAM members to use positive words about themselves and others. “I’m freaking out, and I’m such a spaz” are NOT positive. ORGANIZATION Calendar, hold accountable

11 Good job Call JUST to tell them that they did a good job.
Praise in public, correct in private

12 Characteristics of a strong team…
Members motivate each other Receptive to constructive criticism Members are protective of other team members Members display a strong sense of pride in the team They are respectful towards each other and the team leaders.

13 A p p l I c a t I o n

14 Rules I. Attendance II. Tardies

15 III. Game Suspension IV. Away Games V. Grades VI. Disciplinary Action

16 VII. Embarrassing behavior Alcohol & Drug use Safety X. Jewelry, Nails and Polish, Hair, Gum chewing and Cell Phones

17 XI. Uniforms XII. Policy on Joining Other Clubs

18 XIII. Transportation    Section XIV. Fundraising Section XV. Other


20 Demerits

21 Estimated Costs

22 Medical information

23 C a l e n d a r

24 Judges Sheet

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