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Edexcel Paper 3 – Philosophy and Ethics

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1 Edexcel Paper 3 – Philosophy and Ethics
Relationships and Family

2 Divorce Marriage Homosexuality

3 CCC 1601: “A partnership for the whole of life
Support and companionship Exclusive Sacrament Procreation CCC 1601: “A partnership for the whole of life

4 Society and Different views…
Same Sex Marriage 2014 – non religious Marriage is still a legal ceremony Humanists campaign for their marriage to be legally recognised

Sex before marriage COHABITATION When a couple lives together before marriage SAME SEX Sex between two men or two women EXTRA MARITAL SEX Adultery – sex outside of a marriage with someone other than the person you’re married

Sex before marriage Sex should only take place in a marriage C.Of E – Ok in committed relationship COHABITATION When a couple lives together before marriage SAME SEX Sex between two men or two women Homosexuality is not a sin, but a gay couple should remain celibate EXTRA MARITAL SEX Adultery – sex outside of a marriage with someone other than the person you’re married This wrong, it goes against the ten commandments (Exodus 20) This wrong!

7 Re-constituted/Blended
Nuclear Re-constituted/Blended Extended Single Parent Same Sex Types of family

8 Family LIfe Family Life * Loving family * Taught right from wrong
Foundations of society Family relationships Social environment of the Church The Church * Loving family * Taught right from wrong * Stable society of love and respect * Family of Christians * Support- groups, worship, charity * Honour and respect their parents * Responsibility * Baptised * Sunday School * Educated in the Christian faith

9 Prevents God’s creative plan
Contraception Plan Sin Love Sacred Prevents God’s creative plan Long term Health Purpose of marriage Preventing conception from occurring

10 Divorce DIVORCE The legal ending of a marriage
CATHOLICS do not believe a marriage can be dissolved because God has joined the man and woman together Society allows divorce ANNULMENT The marriage was never fully true in the first place – someone was lying in their vows etc.. CATHOLICS allow annulment in the interests of safety or if someone entered the marriage without truly understanding and believing their vows. REMARRIAGE Marrying again after being divorced from a previous marriage CATHOLICS do not usually allow remarriage Christianity is based on forgiveness and love

11 Roles of Men and Women Genesis 1:27 – God created men and women in his image Galatians 3:28 – St Paul said there is no difference between men and women Jesus held women in high regard and didn’t treat them any differently Genesis 2:7 God created man first and made Eve from him Timothy 1 2:11-12 – “I do not allow them to teach or to have authority over men.” Jesus only chose twelve men to be his disciples. It is tradition!

12 Equality of men and women
RC Church = equal in society and family RC Church = women may not be ordained Others = Church of England/Methodists -female clergy are allowed

13 GENDER Prejudice and Discrimination
Believing that some people are inferior to others Treating people less favourably than others because of their gender etc… Discrimination ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH – CCC 1938:- Sexual discrimination is sinful and an open contradiction to the teaching of the gospels. Everyone should work together for fairer conditions for all.


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