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9/13/2018 12:29:51 AM.

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Presentation on theme: "9/13/2018 12:29:51 AM."— Presentation transcript:

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3 Examples in this presentation from windows and unix installations.
Easy installation Examples in this presentation from windows and unix installations. <programe name> Options or Auto mode In windows a self extracting file, after installation a shortcut is created: 9/13/ :29:51 AM

4 Sequence input as database:sequence_name
Input sequence source Local file Local Database web Sequence input as database:sequence_name showdb command: displays local databases 9/13/ :29:51 AM

5 emboss.ini 9/13/ :29:51 AM

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18 Flav_azoch: Azotobacter chroococcum mcd 1 FLAVODOXIN 2
FLAVODOXIN B Flav_azoch: Azotobacter chroococcum mcd 1 FLAVODOXIN 2 Flav_azovi: Azotobacter vinelandii 9/13/ :29:51 AM

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21 Flav_soltu: Solanum tuberosum (Potato) FLAVODOXIN
FLAVONOL SYNTHASE Flav_soltu: Solanum tuberosum (Potato) FLAVODOXIN Flav_rhoca: Rhodopseudomonas capsulata 9/13/ :29:51 AM

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46 Others geecee fuzzpro garnier plotorf Restrict Helixturnhelix
9/13/ :29:51 AM

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49 EMBOSS interfaces
Command line: Windows, Cygwin Java: Jemboss (needs java web start) PERL and other scripts: Bio::Emboss Module BioPerl EMBOSS only a part BioPython EMBOSS only a part Web: EMBOSSGUI (needs Apache or other webserver) Pise W2H wEMBOSS Other GUIs: Staden Kaptain (KDE2) An interface is something that comes between you and the raw horror of any computer's operating system In EMBOSS, interfaces try to help you by making access to the programs, their options and their input and output files easier. 9/13/ :29:51 AM

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53 EMBOSS suggested reading
Chapter 12 of “Sequence analysis in a nutshell” (Markel & Léon) EMBOSS quick guide “doc” directory for more details Manual Programs Tutorials 9/13/ :29:51 AM

54 9/13/ :29:51 AM

55 EMBOSS for UNIX Login as root
Download EMBOSS ( tar.gz) gzip –d EMBOSS tar.gz tar xvf EMBOSS tar cd EMBOSS-6.1.0 ./configure make make install ENVIRONMENT SETTINGS: (can be included in .bashrc file) PATH=$PATH:/home/workshop/EMBOSS-6.1.0/emboss export PLPLOT_LIB=/home/workshop/EMBOSS-6.1.0/plplot/lib export EMBOSS_DATA=/home/workshop/EMBOSS-6.1.0/emboss/data 9/13/ :29:51 AM

56 EMBOSSwin (Not in windows 98!)
Download embosswin-0.8-setup.exe from the course web page Follow the instructions After finishing the setup Click EMBOSSwin shortcut (Desktop) Proceed with examples 9/13/ :29:51 AM

57 optional variables -sbegin sequence begin position
-send sequence end position -sreverse reverse complement the sequence -slower change sequence to lower case -supper change sequence to upper case -osformat output sequence format -help show help -options ask for optional parameters -auto run silently (for use in scripts, e.g. perl) -sask prompt user for start & end of input sequence 9/13/ :29:51 AM

58 Making own customized DBs
Retrieve sequences of interests or whole dbs dbiflat -idformat swiss -dbname dgdb.dat -directory . -release 1.0 -date 05/10/12 -fields AC -verbose Modify emboss.ini in windows or .embossrc file in unix to include information about the new db 9/13/ :29:51 AM

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