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Personal Bank Accounts

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1 Personal Bank Accounts

2 Learning Targets I can create a personal bank account and identify behaviors that cause withdrawals and deposits for me Success Criteria I can complete a PBA with at least 6 individual deposits and withdrawals for me

3 The Man in The Mirror As you listen and watch the clip,jot down some quick notes about what you see? what you hear? what you think the song might mean? What do you think the singer might be trying to say about how to start making change?

4 Grab a copy of 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Read through pages 31-35 What is a two sentence definition of a personal bank account? What might the effect of tracking withdrawals and deposits be on you? As a class, we’ll reread the poem on page 33 Why does personal change need to come before larger scale change? Why work on you before working on the world?

5 Group Work In your groups, you’re going to be working on creating a poster representing one of the deposit types of a personal bank account. Deposit types are on pgs Include in your poster the following: A two sentence summary of the deposit type A visual that depicts an action that is that type of deposit A list of several other possible deposits of this type a person can make Be prepared to share!

6 Creating your own PBA Use the Personal Bank Account Graphic Organizer to identify withdrawals and deposits you make in your PBA Identify specific withdrawals and deposits in each category Assign a value of $1-$6 for each deposit and withdrawal. The more $ the bigger impact the deposit or withdrawal has on you Example: You might make frequent $1 deposits by being kind to yourself and relaxing after school, but that’s being offset by $6 withdrawals of not doing homework and failing a class

7 Closure Identify a withdrawal that you want to decrease this week
Identify a deposit you’d like to increase this week

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