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ESHA 2016 konferencija Maastrichte
Rūta Krasauskienė
ESHA veiklos tikslai Diskutuoti ir vystyti požiūrius apie Europos mokyklų vadovų asociacijos įtaką inovacijoms ir lyderystei švietime. Skleisti šias idėjas Europos lygmeniu. Daryti tiesioginę įtaką Europos institucijoms (Europos komisijai, Parlamentui). Skatinti tarptautinį bendradarbiavimą ir kooperaciją bei mainus. Skatinti nacionalinių organizacijų, ESHA narių, vaidmenį ir įtaką. Stiprinti mokyklų vadovų vaidmenį ir sudaryti sąlygas, palaikyti sėkmingą mokyklų lyderystę.
Pagrindinės temos 1 tema: Įkvepianti ir inovatyvi XXI amžiaus lyderystė 2 tema: Ateities svajonė: XXI amžiaus pedagogika ir ateities mokykla 3 tema : Pasaulio pilietis ir XXI amžiaus kompetencijos 4 tema: XXI amžiaus vaikų gerovė
Daan Roosegaarde artist
Daan Roosegaarde artist Dutch artist and innovator Daan Roosegaarde (1979) is internationally known for creating social designs exploring the relation between people, technology and space. Based in the Netherlands and Shanghai, Studio Roosegaarde is the social design lab with his team of designers and engineers. Roosegaarde is Young Global Leader at the World Economic Forum, is selected as Artist of the Year 2016 by Kunstweek and in the top of Sustainable Trouw 100 as most influential Dutch green leader. With projects ranging from fashion to architecture, his interactive designs such as Dune, Smart Highway and Waterlicht are tactile high-tech environments in which viewer and space become one. This connection, established between ideology and technology, results in what Roosegaarde calls ‘techno-poetry’. Roosegaarde has won the INDEX Design Award, the World Technology Award, two Dutch Design Awards, the Charlotte Köhler Award, and China’s Most Successful Design Award. He has been the focus of exhibitions at the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Tate Modern, Tokyo National Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, and various public spaces in Europe and Asia. Selected by Forbes and Good 100 as a creative change maker, Daan Roosegaarde has been a frequently invited lecturer at international conferences such as TED and Design Indaba, and a regular TV media guest at Zomergasten, De Wereld Draait Door and CNN.
Daan Roosegaarde Kokios žinios ir gebėjimai reikalingi 2015 ir 2020 metais? Ar mes žinome, kokios norime švietimo sistemos?
Zachary Walker Academic, author
Dr. Zachary Walker is an academic, author, and speaker
Dr. Zachary Walker is an academic, author, and speaker. Zachary is a faculty member at theNational Institute of Education (NIE) in Singapore which is ranked 10th in the world in education by the QS World University Rankings. At NIE, Zachary currently serves as the Chair of Pedagogical Development and Innovation in his Academic Group and serves as a member of the NIE Taskforce for the 21st Century Teaching and Learning Framework. Zachary was named a Think College Emerging Scholar (2012), a Millennium Milestone Maker by theWorld Academy for the Future of Women (2015) and was awarded the John Cheung Social Media Award for Innovation in Teaching and Pedagogy (2015). Zachary’s current work focuses on how to best use mobile technolog to impact teaching and learning while preparing students for today’s world. He has delivered talks to education leaders and higher education faculty in North America, Central America, Europe, and Asia.
„Neklauskite vaikų, kuo jie nori būti užaugę
„Neklauskite vaikų, kuo jie nori būti užaugę. Geriau paklauskite, kokias problemas jie norėtų spręsti. Tai keičia pokalbio esmę: nuo ką aš norėčiau dirbti prie ko aš norėčiau išmokti, kad galėčiau tai padaryti.“ Jamie Casap
„Kiekvienas mokytojas turi teisę gyventi urve, bet anaiptol, neturi jokios teisės uždaryti jame savo mokinį.“ Tom Whitby
Michael Fullan
Michael Fullan (born 1940) is a Canadian educational researcher and former dean of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). He is noted for his expertise on educational reform, and has consulted to school districts, teacher groups, research institutes, and governments. Fullan was born in Toronto, Ontario. He earned a doctorate in sociology in 1969 from the University of Toronto, and then worked as a graduate teacher, researcher, and leader of in-service programs. Fullan was appointed dean of the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Education (FEUT) in 1988, and remained dean until 2003, and serves now as Professor Emeritus. Fullan outlined the complex job faced by school principals in What’s Worth Fighting For in the Principalship? (1997), and outlined strategies to improved school effectiveness. In 1998, Fullan and British educator Andy Hargreaves co-authored What’s Worth Fighting for in Education? The central theme was that teacher quality and morale were fundamental to pupil learning and well-being. The Moral Imperative of School Leadership (2003) examined the moral purpose of educational leadership and the role principals play in transforming schools.[6] Fullan addressed the topic of school change in Motion Leadership (2010), and outlined ways to connect peers to purpose, gain trust, overcome resistance, and provide transparency.
Michael Fullan 4 didžios idėjos
Mokiniai – pokyčių agentai Mokytojai – asmenybės ir profesionalai Darni lyderystė Gilus supratimas ką, kaip ir kodėl daryti.
Michael Fullan Sėkmingas kaitos procesas yra gerų idėjų formavimo/performavimo funkcija, suteikianti galios. Naujos pedagoginės praktikos skatina gilų mokymą(si). Švietimas, prieinamas visiems ir kiekvienam.
Mark van Vugt
Mark van Vugt speciality is the evolutionary approaches to human behavior. He is particularly interested in how evolutionary theory can be applied to understand group processes, leadership and followership, status and power, altruism, conflict and cooperation, and intergroup relations.
Lyderystė, mokymas(is) ir mastymas Iš evoliucijos perspektyvos
Vizitai į mokyklas Bassicschool de Tovetouin, Sittard
Pasitikėti mokykla ir joje dirbančių mokytojų bei vadovų profesionalumu
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