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The Gangster/Crime genre mainly focused on the sinister and menacing actions of criminals, gangsters, bank robbers, and underworld figures. Others include hoodlums who operate outside the law, stealing and violently murdering their way through life. The genre has emerged into a more dark and cynical context through the ages. Gangster Crime genre often mainly involves a highlight of a life of crime and a figure mirroring this or a figure mirroring a victim of crime. This type of genre often emphasizes the rise and fall of a particular criminal and or their gang which would predominantly involve bank robbery, murders or lawbreakers in which personal power, struggles, and conflict with law and higher level figures. Issues would include competitive characters, or rival gangs.

3 EARLY GANGSTER/CRIME One of the first to make the start of the gangster/crime genre was Griffith's ‘The Musketeers of Pig Alley’ in It was the first significant gangster movie that survived. Crime films became darker, more brutal, violent, and cynical. After World War II, gangsters were often businessmen who represented large and corrupt corporations and often anonymous . The first film to illustrate changes in the character of gangsters after WWII was Byron Haskin's ‘I Walk Alone’ in An ex-con who faced a changed world and a double-cross by his partner after his release from 14 years in prison. He learned that Noll 'Dink' Turner was now a legitimate and respectable, high-flying Manhattan night-club owner, unwilling to share in bootlegging profits from an earlier promise.

4 THE GODFATHER The two of the most successful Gangster/Crime films ever made was Mario Puzo's best-selling novel, ‘The Godfather’ in 1972‘ and The ‘Godfather 2’ in Both films were epic stories of a violent, treacherous, and tightly-knit crime family that had settled in New York and had become as powerful as the government. Returning war veteran/son Michael Corleone had to loyally follow in his father's criminal path, without questioning its legitimacy. Both contained a number of brutal death scenes. The Part II sequel was the first sequel ever to win the Academy Award for Best Picture. The 'Mafia' had now been featured in a main-stream film. In the trilogy was ‘The Godfather, Part III’ in 1990, again featuring stars Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, and Talia Shire. Films linked are the bloody remake of ‘Scarface’ in 1983 with the defiant Cuban gangster dying in the film's explosive finale with his guns blazing, and ‘Carlito's Way’ in 1993

5 REPETOIR OF ELEMENTS Gangster/crime films are usually set in large, crowded cities, to provide a view of the secret world of the criminal; dark nightclubs or streets with striking neon signs, fast cars, money, bars, illegal imports, sordid living arrangements. Exotic locales for crimes often adding an element of adventure and wealth. Crime gangsters are usually materialistic, street-smart, immoral and self-destructive. Rivalry with other criminals in gangster warfare is often a significant plot characteristic. Crime plots also include questions such as how the criminal will be apprehended by police, private eyes, special agents or lawful authorities, or mysteries such as who stole a valued object. They rise to power with a tough cruel facade while showing an ambitious desire for success and recognition, but underneath they can express sensitivity and gentleness. Gangster/crime characters often tend to fall prey to crime in the pursuit of wealth, status, and material possessions such as clothes and cars, because all other "normal" avenues to the top are unavailable to them. Although they are doomed to failure and inevitable death usually in violent ways, criminals are sometimes portrayed as the victims of circumstance, because the stories are told from their point of view.

6 TECHNICAL ASPECTS Mise-en-scene – Props would usually include weapons such as guns, knives, bats etc. Alcohol and drugs seem to be a recurring theme in gangster/crime films. Settings usually consist of houses, bars, alleyways, warehouses etc. Actors and Actresses tend to be quite hard looking emphasising the tough exterior that is meant to be shown relating to the gangster/crime theme. Costumes consist of suits, dresses, diamond rings, watches this represents the wealthy and aesthetic side. Contrasting would be the poor and hard life that is meant to be represented which would include hoodies and jeans. The lighting tends to be very dim and weak or very strong depending on what kind of life is being represented. This is usually to accentuate the location and depict the state that the characters are in. Cinematography – Close ups, Mid shots and are mostly used to emphasize the character and so we are better connected with them. Over-shoulder shots occur often because there are a lot relationships in gangster/crime films and it has a better effect on the audience if this is highlighted. Panning so that are able to follow any movement intensely and also significant objects tend to be zoomed into.

7 Editing – Gangster crime visual effects and transitions are usually edited for audience satisfaction. Rhythmic editing is used at turning points in the film. Sound – intense, music is usually played in the background of gangster/crime films. Special Effects – This would usually be used in car, murder scenes. Some gangster/crime films use stunt doubles because special effects give the film more of an authentic look. Conventions - Gang leaders and main characters are always represented efficiently. They also tend to be fast paced



The Departed - $289,847,354 American Gangster - $266,465,037 The Godfather - $245,066,411 Pulp Fiction - $212,928,762 Get Shawty - $115,101,622    


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