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Ancient Rome.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Rome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Rome

2 Early people in Italy Latins- Lived in Italy from about 1500 B.C. to 1000 B.C. Spoke Latin Greeks- Colonized Italy around 800 B.C., came from Troy Greeks spread culture and alphabet

3 Etruscans Early Civilization Located in the North Of Italy.
Developed the city of Rome Also gave Etruscan dress- the Toga to Rome

4 Roman Republic 509 B.C. the Romans overthrew the Etruscans and established a Republic Republic- A government with a leader and some citizens having the right to vote

5 Groups in Rome Rome was divided into 2 groups
Patricians- Wealthy landowners who became Rome’s ruling class. Plebeians- farmers, craftsmen, and merchants; could vote but not run for office.

6 Politics Consuls- two elected officers ran the government
Praetor- In charge of laws that managed citizens Roman Senate- Made up of 100 Patricians who voted for laws in Rome.

7 Roman Expansion First Punic War- Rome v. Carthage
Carthage is located in Northern Africa Both Armies wanted control of Sicily Rome created a strong navy and overpowered Carthage.

8 2nd Punic War Carthage vows revenge, led by General Hannibal
Hannibal led an huge army, horses and Elephants through the Alps Battle of Cannae-Hannibal defeated a 40,000 Roman Army big roman loss

9 End of the War Hannibal roamed Italy damaging Rome
Battle of Zama-Rome finally defeats Hannibal under the leadership of Scipio in 202 B.C. near Carthage 146 B.C. Rome sacked and burned Carthage

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