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ON COMMON GROUND “Masters of Motivation” By Jonathan Saphier

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1 ON COMMON GROUND “Masters of Motivation” By Jonathan Saphier
Presented by Leah Ford CTE/Carrigan Career Center

2 Jonathan Saphier Teachers 21 Research for Better Teaching
The Skillful Teacher How to Bring Vision to School Improvement How to Make Decisions That Stay Made

3 “Effort Based Ability”
Belief that all students can do rigorous work at high standards, even if they are far behind academically and need a significant amount of time to catch up

4 Two Pronged Theory Effort Based Ability emerges in individual teacher behavior and in school-wide structures Leaders can influence and strengthen this belief in their staff members

5 Teacher behavior that affects the structure/climate of the school
Part One: Teacher behavior that affects the structure/climate of the school

6 Crucial Messages: This is important. You can do it.
I won’t give up on you.

7 Variety of Mediums Interactive teaching behaviors
Classroom structures and procedures Classroom climate and personal relationship building Explicit teaching of effective effort to all students School-wide structures for building a culture of aspiration, effective effort, and responsibility A focus on the future


9 A Master Of Motivation ….someone in your life that consistently communicated to you that you were an able person, that you were valuable, and that you had worthwhile things to accomplish




13 Super Staff Not necessarily a “Super Hero,” just willing to:
Put in the hard work Become a better teacher Believe in students’ potential

14 Super Students Begin to believe in their own ability
Taught HOW to work harder & smarter Put care, quality, & craftmanship above speed Do not interpret errors as an example of ineptitude

15 Short Summary A student who is taught by a teacher who is a master of motivation becomes a believer in her own capacity to grow her abilities and do well if she puts forth the effort

16 The Three Crucial Messages
What we’re doing here is important. You can do it! I’m not giving up on you-even if you give up on yourself. Received at every turn from every adult and from the policies, practices, and procedures of the school

17 Low Performing Students Conclude:
A Sad Commentary Low Performing Students Conclude: Difficulty = Low Ability Success = Luck

18 Interactive Teaching Behaviors
Patterns of Calling on Students Responses to Student Answers Giving Help Dealing with Errors Giving Tasks and Assignments Offering Feedback on Student Performance Displaying Tenacity

19 Classroom Structures & Procedures
Grading Re-Teaching Loops Redos & Retakes Grouping Rewards

20 Classroom Climate & Personal Relationship Building
Classroom climate is characterized by: Community Ownership Risk-Taking

21 Explicit Teaching of Effective Effort to All Students
Time Focus Resourcefulness Strategies Use of Feedback Commitment

22 Part Two: School leaders strengthen the belief in effort based ability among staff members

23 School Wide Structures for Building a Culture of Aspiration, Effective Effort, and Responsibility
Motivational Boot Camp Assignment of Teachers Course Schedules Grouping Identification of At-Risk Students

24 A Focus on the Future Belief system Parent Involvement

25 Building & Strengthening the Belief in Effort Based Ability
Say It! Model It! Organize For It! Protect It! Reward It!

26 Engines of Hope Persevere Apply Best Practices Good Leadership
Put understanding of PLC’s to Work

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