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Copyright © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

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1 Copyright © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
From: Identification of Hearing Loss in Children and Young Adults Using Measures of Transient Otoacoustic Emission Reproducibility Am J Audiol. 1995;4(3): doi: / Legend: Influence of tympanogram type on TEOAE reproducibility for individuals with normal air-conduction hearing thresholds but with air-bone differences >10 dB at one or more frequencies. Three ears had type A, 6 ears had type B, and 8 ears had type C tympanograms. Average TEOAE reproducibility exceeded 50% for the midfrequencies (2–3 kHz) for type A tympanograms and type C tympanograms (2–3–4 kHz). In spite of minimal hearing loss, type B tympanograms were associated with obliteration of the TEOAE. Note: the results summarized here do not include 5 ears with patent PE tubes. Date of download: 12/25/2017 Copyright © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

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