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The Car BY- FRED.

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Presentation on theme: "The Car BY- FRED."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Car BY- FRED

2 What is a car?? A car is a vehicle, typically with four wheels that is powered by an internal combustion engine and it is able to take people to places, this makes it easier for people to move.

3 When was it invented?? In 1768, the first steam powered car, able to transport humans was invented by Nicholas-Joseph Cugnot Later in 1807 François Isaac de Rivaz designed the first car powered by a combustion engine fueled by hydrogen. In 1886 the first petrol or gasoline car was invented it was called Benz Patent Motorwagen and this was invented by Karlz Benz.

4 What's the purpose of the car?
The purpose of a car is to take people to places faster, easily and it can be a matter of independence for many young people. You can go anywhere anytime with this innovation.

5 Why was the car needed? Cars before were very useful because they could transport goods from place to place, people would become more independent and have more freedom to go to places easier.

6 How does this technical innovation affect our lives?
Personal level- We can go anywhere easier with more freedom and independence, people are less tired, faster to go to places, and easier as well. Global level- Globally cars can be good and bad for example cars pollute a lot but now there are electric cars so that can be the solution, cars might make people die with crashes, and makes traffic and a city busier. There are car races which could impact the world many people watch them and enjoy them so I think cars were a good innovation and a bad one at the same time.

7 Past

8 Present

9 Future???

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