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4 2 . Parts of the Airplane.

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1 4 2 . Parts of the Airplane

2 The Wing There are two types of wing configurations, they are:
Monoplanes those that have one wing Biplanes those with two wings

3 Wing Positioning High Wing on the top of the fuselage
Mid Wing in the middle of the fuselage Low Wing on the bottom of the fuselage

4 Internal Construction Of The Wing
Spars they are the main members of the wings and run the length of the wing from wing root to wing tip. The spars are intended to stiffen the wing against torsion or twisting. Wing Spar Graphic changed

5 Internal Construction Of The Wing
Web Rib Ribs they run from the leading to the trailing edge. Their purpose is to give the wing its framework to which the covering is fastened. Truss Rib Graphic changed

6 Internal Construction Of The Wing
Compression Strut Compression Struts Usually steel tubes spaced at regular intervals between the front and rear spars intended to take compression loads.

7 Internal Construction Of The Wing
Drag – Anti Drag Wires Drag and Anti Drag Wires run diagonally from front to the rear spars. These wires take drag loads and anti-drag loads, as their names imply.

8 Internal Construction Of The Wing
Ailerons a moveable section attached to the trailing edge of the wing located towards the wing tip. As one moves downward, the opposite aileron moves upward.

9 Internal Construction Of The Wing
Flaps a moveable section located generally between the aileron and wing root on the wing’s trailing edge. Wing Span the maximum distance from wing tip to wing tip. Graphic changed

10 Internal Construction Of The Wing
Chord an imaginary straight line joining the leading edge to the trailing edge of the wing.

11 Struts Extend out from the fuselage and attach to the wing, for support. Strut STRUT ENGINE COWL Engine Cowl A protective housing for the engines. It streamlines the front of the aircraft to reduce drag. It ducts air around the engine for cooling.

12 NOTE: You must use the buttons in the Confirmation Stage

13 Theory of Flight Parts of the Airplane
Let's try a few review questions on Theory of Flight: Question #1 - What structure extend out from the fuselage to the mid section of the wing? A Chords B Struts C Drag wires D Spars

14 Flying Scholarship Program
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15 Flying Scholarship Program
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16 Theory of Flight Parts of the Airplane
Let's try a few review questions on Theory of Flight: Question #2 - What is the main member of the wing that runs from wing tip to wing root? A Spars B Ribs C Compression struts D Anti-drag wires

17 Flying Scholarship Program
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18 Flying Scholarship Program
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19 Undercarriage or Landing Gear
The function of the landing gear: To absorb the shock of landing To support the weight of the airplane and enable it to move on the ground. Landing gear may be: Fixed Retractable (which provides more streamlining)

20 Undercarriage or Landing Gear
The landing gear may be: Tricycle, or Conventional Tail wheel configuration

21 Propulsion System The propulsion system of a modern general aviation airplane is generally a gasoline powered, air cooled, internal combustion engine that drives a 2 or 3 bladed propeller.

22 Equipment, Radios, Instruments
All instruments, radios, and other various equipment are located inside the cockpit. A radio which enables contact with the ground, ATC, and other aircraft. Instruments panel (airspeed indicator, altimeter, compass, etc) ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter)

23 NOTE: You must use the buttons in the Confirmation Stage

24 Theory of Flight Parts of the Airplane
Let's try a few review questions on Theory of Flight: Question #3 - Modern general aviation airplanes are generally A Gasoline powered B Air Cooled C Internal combustion engine D All the above

25 Flying Scholarship Program
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26 Flying Scholarship Program
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27 Theory of Flight Parts of the Airplane
Let's try a few review questions on Theory of Flight: Question #4 - What is the function of landing gear? A Absorb shock B Support weight C Enable ground movement D All the above

28 Flying Scholarship Program
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29 Flying Scholarship Program
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30 Theory of Flight Parts of the Airplane Congratulations!!
You have now completed the Parts of the Airplane lesson of the Theory of Flight Module. Of course, this lesson is always available to you for future reference if required. You are now ready to move along to the next Theory of Flight lesson you have not completed or to any other module you wish. You can advance to the Self Test Module if you feel ready to challenge the final exam. Good Luck!

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