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1 Softball

2 Positions Pitcher (on pitcher’s mound) Catcher (behind home plate)
1st base (right off of 1st base) 2nd base (between 1st and 2nd base) 3rd base (right off of 3rd base) Shortstop (between 2nd and 3rd base) Leftfield (on grass closest to 3rd base line) Centerfield (on grass behind 2nd base) Rightfield (on grass closest to 1st base line)

3 Terminology Ball = pitch outside the strike zone that batter doesn’t attempt to hit Baseline = the imaginary line between each base that the batter must run Bases loaded = there is a runner at each base Batter = the person attempting to hit the ball Batter’s box = the rectangular box beside the plate where the batter must stand when hitting the ball Bunt = when the batter taps the ball instead of hitting it Changeup = when the pitcher throws a pitch slower than the normal pitch speed to deceive the batter Double = a hit in which the batter reaches 2nd base Double play = a play in which two outs are made in a continuous action Error = a mistake made by a fielder which allows a baserunner to advance a base Full Count = a count of three balls and two strikes Grand Slam = a homerun when the bases are loaded, totaling 4 runs scored

4 Terminology Inning = a turn at batting and fielding for each team
On deck = the batter following the one currently at bat Run Batted In (RBI) = the credit a batter receives for a runner scoring due to their at bat Single = a hit that allows runner to get to 1st base Steal = a baserunner’s successful advance during an at bat even though the batter has not hit the ball yet Strike zone = the area over the plate between the batter’s armpits and knees Strike = when the batter swings and misses, when the batter hits a foul ball with less than two strikes, a pitch in the strike zone that the batter does not swing at Tagging Up = remaining on the base until a fly ball is caught and then advancing Triple = a hit in which the batter advances to 3rd base directly Triple play = a play in which the fielder’s make three outs in a continuous action Walk = when the batter receives four balls, he or she advances safely to first base

5 Rules: The Game 9 players on the field
Field divided into infield (1st, 2nd & 3rd base, pitcher, catcher, shortstop) and outfield (rightfield, leftfield, and centerfield) A ball hit outside the first base line or third base line is a foul ball Consists of 7 innings (baseball has 9 innings) Goes into extra innings if the score is tied at the end of the 7th inning

6 Rules: The Pitcher Both feet must start on the pitching mound and can only take one step when pitching Ball most be thrown underhand Can’t pitch until umpire is ready

7 Rules: The Batter Batters must follow the same batting order the whole game The batter is out if: three strikes have been called, a fly ball is caught, the batter does not stand in the batter’s box, the fielders make a play before the batter reaches first base Must slide in close plays or will be called out

8 How to: Run the Bases Running through 1st base Running position
Run full speed and through the base Tag front half with left foot Look over right shoulder at first base coach to see if you should advance Run into foul territory once you are past the base Running position Left foot on the outside edge of base Right foot behind base Rocking motion for momentum Push off base when ball is released by pitcher Leading Off Get several steps off the base Body facing pitcher and catcher Prepare to advance on a hit or passed ball Begin leadoff as soon as ball is released by pitcher Running to more than one base - Tag inside corner of the base with right foot and push off to gain momentum

9 How to: Slide Don’t hesitate or slow down
Choose which leg is easier for you to slide on in advance Bend other leg and tuck it under the sliding leg Raise both arms straight up, making fists (this protects your arms and fingers from possible injury) Slide a few feet before you reach the desired base Practice on a sliding mat or blankets Wear sliding shorts and a sliding pad to prevent tearing up your skin

10 How to: Swing Stand with feet a little wider than shoulder width apart, both hands gripping the bat with aligned knuckles, bat resting on the back shoulder, bend knees, weight on the back leg Standing far enough off the plate so the thick part of the bat covers the plate when swinging Pop the bat off your shoulder preparing to hit the ball Stride (take a short, quick step with front leg) Pivot back leg, rotate hips, and slide bat forward simultaneously Follow through (keep going with the motion of the bat until it touches front shoulder) Aim to hit the ball in the center Keep head facing pitcher/ball the entire time

11 How to: Field a Grounder
Feet wide apart, bent knees, glove touching the ground Move to field the ball so ball is in the center of your legs Let ball roll into glove and cover it with your other hand so it won’t bounce out Pull glove into your belly button Jump into throwing position Charge the ball if it is a slow roller

12 How to: Catch a Fly Ball Run to the ball
Catch the ball over throwing shoulder Use non-glove hand to trap ball so you don’t drop it and for quick transfer Use drop step if the ball appears to be going behind you Always better to drop step first and then have to run up to catch it in case you misjudge a fly ball

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