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Ethics What images or actions does this title evoke in your mind?

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Presentation on theme: "Ethics What images or actions does this title evoke in your mind?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethics What images or actions does this title evoke in your mind?
What about the following images?



4 The definition of ethics:
A theory An intellectual exercise A process of reflection

5 The purpose of ethics is to decide what is right and wrong to do
The primary concern of ethics is the proper conduct of a person, people, or community The purpose of ethics is to decide what is right and wrong to do

6 The Fact of Ethical Change
Ideas of what is right and wrong do change from generation to generation This occurs in society as well as in Christian tradition Change occurs because of circumstances, significance, new information

7 Everyone’s ethical choices are based upon…
An adequate set of principles Guidelines or directives for actions A workable process in which those principles are applied in everyday life or during conflict For example: Principle: Human life is important Guideline: Never intentionally harm another person Process: Be kind, drive safely, remain sexually abstinent

8 People’s Search for Direction
Many people are confused or even frightened by rapidly changing values, institutions, new technologies and conflicts in self, family and community. People want: To know what to do and how to negotiate dilemmas How to be equipped to make responsible and successful decisions The connection with others in their community

9 Christian Ethics is: Christocentric: Jesus Christ and His redemptive work are recognized as the source of ethical guidance Scripture-based: The Bible is the authority of a divinely-inspired record of God’s love for us through the man, Jesus of Nazareth.

10 Christian Ethics, con’t…
Is an approach to determine the right and wrong of a situation (ethical theory) that grows out of and understanding and interpretation of the Christian message It IS possible to develop an ethical theory apart from Christianity. Most ethics are built upon philosophical foundations rather than religious ones. To know good is not necessarily to do good.

11 Morality and Ethics “Morality” and “morals” both refer to the practical application of ethical decisions to daily life “Good morals” do not always follow good ethics… theory is not always put into practice

12 Ethics happens in the head as well as in the heart!

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