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Idioms List #2.

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1 Idioms List #2

2 “Tied to her apron strings”
You can’t be tied to your mother’s apron strings your whole life. Meaning: to be dependent on your mother; not able to do anything without asking her. Origin: All mothers in the past wore aprons to keep their dresses clean. A little child might pull on mom’s apron strings to get her attention.

3 “A stick-in-the-mud” We wanted our own iPhones but dad said our normal cell phones were good enough. He is such a stick-in-the-mud. Meaning: a person who likes old-fashioned ideas and avoids change. Origin: People used to travel in wagons. A common problem was when the wagon got stuck in the mud and would not move. This is like a person who doesn’t want to change.

4 “An old wives’ tale” Have you heard that going outside with wet hair will make you sick? That’s just an old wives’ tale. Meaning: a superstition, belief, or practice that is not based on fact. Origin: People used to go to the old women of the village for wise advice. These women had many superstitions like “walking under a ladder is bad luck” or “wear garlic to ward off evil.”

5 “March to the beat of a different drummer”
Uncle Bob is trying to grow a garden in his bathtub. He marches to the beat of a different drummer. Meaning: to be an individual and have unique ideas. Not being like everyone else. Origin: Henry David Thoreau used this phrase in his book Walden. It refers to the way everyone in a marching band is led by the beat of the drummer.

6 “In the doghouse” Mom forgot dad’s birthday so now she’s in the doghouse. Meaning: feeling disgraced; facing punishment. Origin: When your dog is bad you send him out into the backyard to sit in his doghouse for a punishment. Likewise, if a person makes a mistake, they might get a punishment- but probably not sitting in a literal doghouse.

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