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PEVAR with Local Anesthesia: Current Status and Upcoming Prospective, Multicenter, RCT Zvonimir Krajcer, MD Director, Peripheral Vascular Intervention,

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Presentation on theme: "PEVAR with Local Anesthesia: Current Status and Upcoming Prospective, Multicenter, RCT Zvonimir Krajcer, MD Director, Peripheral Vascular Intervention,"— Presentation transcript:

1 PEVAR with Local Anesthesia: Current Status and Upcoming Prospective, Multicenter, RCT
Zvonimir Krajcer, MD Director, Peripheral Vascular Intervention, Department of Cardiology, Texas Heart Institute/St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, Houston, TX CRT, 2, -21, 2010

2 Zvonimir Krajcer, MD DISCLOSURES Grants/Contracted Research Honoraria
Boston Scientific Corporation Honoraria Endologix, W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc

3 Closure Devices for PEVAR using “Preclose Technique”
ProGlide™ Prostar XL ™ Prostar XL™ ProGlide™ Profile 10 F 6F Suture(s) Tevdek, braided Monofilament Knot Operator tied Pre-formed No. of devices 1 2 CRT, 2, -21, 2010

4 Percutaneous EVAR with Local Anesthesia: “Preclose Technique”
Prostar XL “Preclose technique” using one 10Fr Prostar XL for one FA After stent graft deployment, sutures are separated & sliding knot technique is used Since 1995: 1,530 pts underwent EVAR at THI Since 1998: 1,041 pts. had PEVAR CRT, 2, -21, 2010

5 What are the goals of PEVAR & with Local Anesthesia ?
Final Result To reduce mortality & morbidity To reduce hospital stay To offer quicker return to a normal life stile CRT, 2, -21, 2010

6 Tips for Successful PEVAR: Pre-procedural Evaluation
Good for PEVAR Is FA Suitable for PEVAR? Use CT to determine suitability for PEVAR: Patients with CFA anterior wall and circumferential calcification are not suitable candidates! Not good for PEVAR! The only preoperative evaluation that is usually required is the thin-collimated computerized tomography (CT) with 3-dimensional reconstruction. This test measures all the parameters necessary to determine the suitability for percutaneous endovascular aneurysm repair. Appropriate device lengths and diameters are chosen on the basis of this test. Information is obtained on the femoral access sites and aortic accessibility through the iliac vessels. This test also determines the iliofemoral artery diameters, vessel tortuosity, degree of calcification, and specific location of the femoral bifurcation. Reference: Morasch MD. Percutaneous thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Ann Vasc Surg. 2005;19: [Morasch, 2005](/p585/col2/para2) CRT, 2, -21, 2010

7 Tips for Successful PEVAR: Is FA access site suitable for PEVAR?
Procedural Findings: Meticulous access is essential to avoid problems! Micropuncture kit Doppler needle Fluoroscopy Duplex (USN) FA Angiogram Micropuncture- 21F Needle Rt. FA Access site: 30° RAO Always perform FA sheath angiogram in 30° oblique view ! CRT, 2, -21, 2010

8 Tips for Successful PEVAR Is it for Every Patient?
Anatomy Absolute contra-indications Small vessels (≤ 5mm) Severe, circumferential FA calcifications Too low access ( SFA or Profunda) Too high access ( above the inguinal ligament) Relative contraindications Severe obesity Artificial conduits CRT, 2, -21, 2010

9 Precautions and Limitations
Expertise with arterial closure devices is mandatory! Learning curve is Steep! Know well bailout steps! Operating room & vascular surgeon on standby Use of suture-mediated closure devices for endovascular aneurysm repair is off-label in the US (approved technique in EU!) Preferably, percutaneous access should be performed by a surgeon in an operating room. When percutaneous access is performed in a cardiac catheterization lab/interventional radiology suite, an operating room with a surgeon on standby may be required to handle potential complications. Expertise in and familiarity with arterial closure devices are prerequisites before abandoning open access. Avoid or exercise caution in patients with small, severely calcified arteries or aneurysmal femoral arteries, or those with previous femoral dissection. Treating morbidly obese patients may prove to be challenging, but these patients would gain the most if the procedure is successful. The use of suture-mediated closure devices in EVAR is off-label. References: Morasch MD, Kibbe MR, Evans ME, et al. Percutaneous repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm. J Vasc Surg. 2004;40:12-16. Morasch MD. Percutaneous thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Ann Vasc Surg. 2005;19: [Morasch, 2004](/p15/col1/para2,4;/col2/para2) (/p16/col1/para1) [Morasch, 2005](/p587/col2/para2,4,5,6) (/p588/col1/para1) (/p589/col1/para1,2) CRT, 2, -21, 2010

10 Current Practice of PEVAR at THI
Since 2004, only one 10F Prostar XL for all sheath sizes! 12F 18F Author Ref. Pts. Sheath Size (F) Techn. Success Conversion Rate (%) Krajcer EVT 2005 429 12-22 97 2.5 CRT, 2, -21, 2010

11 ↓op time, ↓time to ambulation ↓op time, ↓anesthesia time
Selected PEVAR Published Outcomes Author and Year Phys Spec Sheath Fr SMCD Pts Technical Success Compared to S-EVAR… Haas 1999 VS/IC 16-22 PS 12 100% --- Traul 2000 VS 16-24 17 64% Teh 2001 VS/IR 44 85% Rachel 2002 76% ↓groin complications Howell 2002 IC 30 96% ↓op time, ↓blood loss Torsello 2003 14-25 15 93% ↓op time, ↓time to ambulation Morasch 2004 12-18 47 ↓op time, ↓anesthesia time Starnes 2006 12-24 49 94% Dosluoglu 2007 12-22 PG 90% Jean-Baptiste 2007 19 92% ↓time to discharge Lee 2007 101 ↓op time Lee 2008 292 McDonnell 2008 71% Smith 2009 nr PG/PS 22 CRT, 2, -21, 2010

12 FDA-Approved IDE Trial Overview
The Trial The First Prospective, Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Trial of Totally Percutaneous EVAR. Trial Devices Endologix, Inc. IntuiTrak Endovascular System Abbott Vascular, Inc. Prostar XL and ProGlide Closures Up to 20 Trial Sites with Expertise in PEVAR 2:1 Randomization, PEVAR:SEVAR CRT, 2, -21, 2010

13 PEVAR Trial Design Primary Endpoint: Treatment Success at 30 Days
Composite of Procedural, Vascular and Major AEs Non-inferiority, Test vs. Control Closure-Specific Safety and Efficacy Analyses Secondary Endpoints Clinical Utility Outcomes Quality of Life (global and pain evaluations) Six-Month Assessment CRT, 2, -21, 2010

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