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In-Year (casual) admissions
for own admission authority schools and academies With effect from 1 January 2018 Presented by School Services December 2017
Background of in-year (casual) admissions and the change of process
An in-year (casual) admission is an application to secure a school place at any point in the academic year for any year group outside of the main admission processes for point of entry. Point of entry admissions are: Year R for primary/infant schools Year 3 for junior schools Year7 for secondary schools Year 10 for Medway UTC Earlier this year School Services consulted with all own admission authority school and academies via a questionnaire as part of a review of the future delivery of in-year (casual) admissions. The consultation put forward two options: Option 1 – The Council provides a charged service to own admission authority schools and academies for processing in-year (casual) admissions Option 2 – The Council does not provide any in-year admissions processing service to own admission authority schools
The final decision was to be based on the financial viability of a charged service based on the responses to this consultation The outcome of the consultation determined that a charged services was no financially viable. The final decision, therefore, is that with effect from 1 January 2018, Medway Council will no longer provide for the administration of in-year (casual) admissions for own admission authority schools and academies. Very Important to note: Point of entry admissions (Year R primary/infant schools, Year 3 junior schools and Year 7 secondary schools) only become in-year admissions following the closure of the relevant waiting list under the co-ordinated admission scheme (i.e. 31 December each year)
The School Admissions Code 2014, paragraphs 2.21 and 2.22 state:
There is no requirement for local authorities to co-ordinate in-year applications but they must provide information in the composite prospectus on how in-year applications can be made and will be dealt with. Local authorities must, on request, provide information to a parent about the places still available in all schools within its area, and a suitable form for parents to complete when applying for a place at any school for which they are not the admission authority. Any parent can apply for a place for their child at any time to any school outside the normal admissions round. They can do this by applying directly to admission authorities, except where other arrangements are in place locally (e.g. the local authority coordinates all in-year admissions). 2.22 Own admission authority schools must, on receipt of an in-year application, notify the local authority of both the application and its outcome, to allow the local authority to keep up to date figures on the availability of places in the area. The admission authority must also inform parents of their right of appeal against the refusal of a place.
Applications, Outcomes and Appeals
Application forms All families looking to apply for an in-year (casual) admission will need to complete a casual admission application form. Each school/academy can produce its own application for this purpose and must also accept the Medway Council application form (IYCAF), which will be available for parents to collect from our office at Gun Wharf and will be published on our website. If a school/academy requires a supplementary information form (SIF) to apply its oversubscription criteria, this must be available for families to use. Whether or not the school/academy has spaces available, it must accept and process any application made. Schools/academies are not permitted to discourage parents from applying for a place even if the school or academy is full. Parents can still apply for a school/academy that is full and the right of appeal must be offered.
Oversubscription criteria
When an application is received it must be prioritised each school/academy must prioritise the application against its published oversubscription criteria to determine which criterion the application should be considered against. This is to ensure that all applications and offers are administered in accordance with the published oversubscription criteria only. If a school/academy has more applications than vacant places, offers must only be made to the application(s) with the highest priority against the published oversubscription criteria. NB: if a school/academy has more vacant places in the year group than applications, a place must be offered without reference to oversubscription criteria (School Admissions Code 2014, paragraph 2.8).
(for grammar schools only)
Testing/Review (for grammar schools only) Medway Council will deliver a final in-year admission test on 11 January There will be no in-year testing after this date and no academic reviews will be organised by School Services for applications submitted after 1 January 2018. Medway Council will only undertake the normal Medway Test procedures for point of entry to grammar schools in Year 7. The admission authority for each grammar school/academy will be responsible for undertaking any necessary academic assessment and must have in place a mechanism for this. This can either be through a test or a review of academic work. Medway Council will be able to provide details of the outcome of the Medway Test for a child (if the child has sat the test) if requested by the grammar school/academy being applied for. The recommendation is that, if a child has previously been assessed under the Medway Test, they are not retested but undergo an academic review.
Families moving into Medway
For families moving into the Medway area, places cannot be reserved and the process for securing a place should not be started until a property address in Medway is provided and a date for moving, within six weeks, is given with supporting evidence/proof of move. The proof of move that School Services generally accept is either: a copy of the exchange of contracts, or a copy of the signed tenancy agreement. If the parent/carer is Crown Service Personnel a place will be sought if the posting is confirmed and a 'quartering area' can be given.
Looked after Children / previously Looked after Children
If the application is for a Looked After Child (LAC) or a previously Looked After Child (LAC) and the school or academy is full, the school/academy must still consider the carers’ preference, the proximity to the home address, social networks, and ‘Sibling’ placements. The School Admissions Code does allow LAC and previous LAC to be placed above a school’s published admissions number. The school/academy would need to consider if it is believed that the placement of the child is in their best interests. Fair Access Protocols If the information on the application form determines that the child meets the criteria for Medway Council’s current fair access protocols then the case must be referred to the School Services Team to arrange consideration by the Fair Access Panel.
Permitted exception rules (Key Stage 1 only)
For Key Stage 1 applications (Years R, 1 and 2), all schools/academies that operate classes of 30 must determine if the application triggers any of the permitted exception rules (as listed in the School Admissions Code 2014, paragraph 2.15). If an application is determined as a permitted exception to infant class size legislation a school may admit over PAN. If a place is not offered to a permitted exception case the family must be notified of this and given the right of appeal. Any subsequently appeal cannot be heard on the ground of infant class size legislation and is considered a prejudice case (in accordance with the School Admissions Appeals Code).
Application outcomes Offer
Once it has been established that an offer can be made in response to an application, the school/academy will be responsible for formally notifying the family in writing. No Offer Once it has been established that an offer cannot be made in response to an application, the school/academy will be responsible for formally notifying the family in writing and extending the right of appeal. Notification to School Services Every school/academy must formally notify Medway Council School Services of every application and every outcome. The reason for any refusal must also be provided so that School Service can ensure compliance with the School Admissions Code. If necessary, School Services will refer cases to the ESFA for direction if it is felt that the application was not administered in accordance with the provisions of the School Admissions Code.
Information to be provided to Medway Council School Services
Application and outcome details
Schools/academies must provide School Services with the details of each application and its subsequent outcome. A copy of the proforma is provided as appendix A of the protocol document to assist with this process. Completed proformas must be sent to School Services within 2 school days of the notification of the outcome to families. address to be used:
Confirmation of start dates
Schools/academies must confirm to School Services once an offered child has actually started and has been placed on roll. This includes children who have been admitted as a result of an upheld independent appeal panel decision If a child does not take up an offered place within a reasonable time (usually 20 school days) School Services must be notified and, if the child is not on roll of another school, the Attendance Advisory Services (AASSA) must also be notified by the school/academy.
School vacancies / roll numbers
To ensure that Medway Council has up to date information to provide to families, each school/academy must notify School Services at the beginning of each week of its current roll and vacancy numbers. A copy of the proforma is provided as appendix B of the protocol document to assist with this process. Completed proformas must be sent to School Services each Monday morning. address to be used:
School Services contacts for in-year admissions enquiries (schools only):
Name Contact details Janice Russell School Services Assistant Elisha Norley (Wed/Thurs) School Services Officer Emma Nekrews-Jackson (Tues-Thurs) Sanjiv Thind Laura Phillips School Services Team Leader (in-year admissions and Home to School Transport) Robert Lancaster School Services Team Leader (main admissions) Ginette Dodds School Services Team Leader (assessment and appeals) Simon Harrington Programme Lead-School Services
School Services contact details for in-year admissions enquiries
(public facing): Team address: Team phone number:
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