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From January 2017, to now, to the future

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1 From January 2017, to now, to the future
Allfarthing From January 2017, to now, to the future

2 Principles for all High expectations-both of ourselves and of the children. 4 way respect We don’t FAIL, we make a First Attempt In Learning Consistency in and out of the classroom Constant improvement, innovation and evaluation Rigour, determination and resilience in all we do All we do we must ask “What difference will it make to children’s learning?” 100%. All learners and everyone in the classroom.

3 Significant changes Review of the curriculum
Expectations-Good to be Green/ House points, Uniform, Arriving at school on time Routines-lining up/walking round the school, revamped celebration assemblies Broadened curriculum opportunities Mentoring-House Captains, Head Boy/Girl, Y6 playground mentors, Y6 reading mentors, paired classes-reading Staffing-recruitment of permanent staff Communication improvements-Twitter, Website, Half-termly letters, Meet the teacher, Tucasi, infrastructure

4 In the classroom Not formulaic, prescribed teaching but responding to the needs of the children. e.g. Maths lessons Member of TRG (Teacher Research Group) -through national ‘Maths Hubs’ project part of £41 million investment from Government Improved scaffolding of teaching and using inspiration e.g. Not RWI but creative texts Introduction of ‘Guided Reading’ across the school Overall review of curriculum coverage in foundation subjects

5 Pedagogy Hooks-inspirational start to the lesson/learning
Reduce teacher talk time Practical and realistic marking-what is the impact of your marking? ‘Pink’ feed forward comments/pupil dialogue Questioning-using a variety and cater for all learners Learning environments-inviting and interactive

6 Results Above average Drop in Phonics has been addressed
Context of our results-children leaving and new children coming in Results



9 School Improvement Priorities 2017-18
Teaching across the school is consistently good or better To ensure the new teaching of reading and phonics is successful across the school To ensure Pupil Premium and SEND children are making progress across the school Behaviour expectations are high and consistent across the school To continue to develop an effective Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and subject leaders

10 Funding and PTA Principal projects-Reception outdoor area, ICT 2 year plan, reading resources across the school, maths resources The future-finance in schools- use the PTA to continue to raise money through projects under HT direction Front boundary project

11 Able and talented Range of opportunities outside the classroom
Expected within the classroom e.g. ‘challenges’


13 The future Consistency, consistency, consistency Parental confidence
Children can go to the school of their choice from Allfarthing-state/independent Place in the community Creative innovative curriculum where children are constantly inspired and have a love of learning Continue to evolve-curriculum, extra-curricular

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