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THE US ENTERS THE WAR ·In August 1914 the War broke out in Europe and USA remained neutral. ·The country was deeply divided about the War. ·German U-boats.

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Presentation on theme: "THE US ENTERS THE WAR ·In August 1914 the War broke out in Europe and USA remained neutral. ·The country was deeply divided about the War. ·German U-boats."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE US ENTERS THE WAR ·In August 1914 the War broke out in Europe and USA remained neutral. ·The country was deeply divided about the War. ·German U-boats started to sink American ships.

2 ·In Feburary 1917, Germany decided to attack all foreign shipping to reduce supplies to Britain.
· With this fact, Germany wanted to divert US attention from Europe to invade Mexico. ·This action angry US government, and as more US ships were sunk, President Wilson declared war on Germany.

3 PRESIDENT WILSON ·Woodrow Wilson was president of the USA in He failed to get Congress to support the post-war peace of treaty or the New League of Nations, because he wanted to prevent another world war. ·In 1919 he won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in Bringing peace to Europe.

4 INFANTRY EQUIPMENT ·Us infantryman went to the Western Front prepared for every eventuallity. ·Around their waist, they wore a cartridge belt filled with ammunition, a water bottle and a basic first aid kid.

5 ·They carried on their back a heavy pack with bayonet, an entrenching tool, a blanket, and their personal kit, which included a mess tin and essential toiletries.

6 SS LUSITANIA ·SS Lusitania was a ship. On 7th May 1915, the passangers ship SS Lusitania was sunk off the coast of Ireland by German torpedoes, because the ship was suspected of carrying munitions.

7 ·Three-quarters of the passengers drowned
·Three-quarters of the passengers drowned. Their death did much to turn the US public against Germany and towards the Allies.

8 GUN FIRE · The US First Army attacked against Germany lines in St Mihiel, France, in 1918. ·Here, an artillery crew fires a 75 mm field gun as a spent shell-cases flies through the air.

9 KEEPING IN TOUCH ·Stationed in France, in a country where US soldiers could not speak the language, many became deeply homesick. ·They wrote often to their family and friends, and waited for letters, postcards, and food parcels in return.

10 FOR HEROISM ·Instituted by Presidential Order in 1918, the Distinguished Service Cross was awarded for extreme heroism against an armed enemy.

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