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Endocrine System The Glandular systems of the body

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2 Endocrine System The Glandular systems of the body
Hormones delivered by bloodstream

3 Hypothalamus- sends info to the glands to begin working
Pituitary Gland- “master gland” Growth, prolactin (milk production), Oxcytocin (stimulates labor) Pineal Gland- melatonin and serotonin-regulation of circadian rythym Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands-thyroxin- metabolism Thymus-Thymosin (t-Cells) only active until puberty Pancreas- digestion and control of blood sugar- insolin Adrenal Glands- adrenalin, noradrenalin and cortical steroids- get you ready for action, resistance to stress/give energy Ovary-Progesterone, Estrogen and actually a small amount of Testosterone-female characteristics Testes-testosterone- male characteristics

4 Heredity The transmission of characteristics from parents to offspring Genes and Chromosomes Genes- basic building blocks of heredity, traits are developed by pairs of genes Genes are found in threadlike structures called Chromosomes Chromosomes are composed of Deoxyribonucleic Acids DNA in the form of a double helix pairs one set from dad, one from mom all the same except one set XX or XY Anyone who doesn’t have 46 has difficulties- extra on 21st for example results in Down Syndrome

5 Nature v Nurture Key concept in psychological debate Kinship
Refers to degree to which people are related Identical twins share 100% of their genetic material Parent to child is 50% Full brothers and sisters 50% Aunts and Uncles 25% 1st Cousins 12.5 % (two unrelated parents) People who are more closely related share more genetic traits Twins Identical (same/same) v Fraternal (wombmates) ID twins Great for studies Any differences in them has to come from environmental factors Raised together share many experiences and little differences Raised separate really show environmental factors, however- intelligence, traditionalism, risk avoidance, aggression, and leadership seem to stay central show perhaps strongly associated with heredity Many times same mannerisms such as posture


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