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Food Waste By Andrea Loreto.

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1 Food Waste By Andrea Loreto

2 Why is food waste a problem?

3 Statistics About half of a pound of food per person gets wasted every day. 182.5 lbs/person/year 58,204,542,500 lbs/year in the US. Could feed 14,551,135,625 people/year Historical evidence Farmers created waste by not storing food properly… ended in hunger. Better storage Oversupply of food. Repeat.

4 Effects on Economy and Society

5 Effects on Economy and Society
Different farming techniques= different outcomes. Impossible to have everything grow to full potential Almost impossible to have every plan grow to its full potential… Farming goal is to provide good food Artificial food industry goal is to provide products for max amount of profit. Feel the need to eat by then, if not, trash.

6 “Modern societies have a problem with food waste
“Modern societies have a problem with food waste. The entire economy is wasteful, a distortion of needs and wants. It overproduces and we under-consume… Debt was dangled in front of us urging us to consume.” –Tim Lang Over-production “Sales” 2 options Buy and ignore (waste) Buy and eat (over-consumption)

7 Large amounts of food being consumed as well as wasted.
“While we are responsible for our own choices, the results we are experiencing aren’t merely a matter of choice. WE are not genetically programmed to turn down excess calories when they are in front of us.” –Rachel Smith Advertising “Need” vs. actually need. Large amounts of food being consumed as well as wasted. Consumption Plate size

8 Effects on the Environment

9 Effects on the Environment
Nature No harm, just help. Food waste is the 3rd top GHG (greenhouse gas) emitter due to the carbon footprint produced when the food is decomposing. In nature, when a fruit falls from a tree, it naturally rots away. It’s nutrients will be absorbed back into the soil and will be used to help create more natural foods, and the whole cycle will start over.

10 Solutions?

11 Solutions? Compost pile Distribution and waste
22 trillion calories/ year are produced 3,000 calories/person on the planet. Limit purchases= limit food consumed. Not only helps lessen our waistbands, but also hunger in the rest of the world.

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